Shuya's lip quivered a little as his eyes darted left and right, surveying his future comrades in arms, he didn't know any of them and he eventually fixed his eyes on the commanders in front of him. His arm snapped to his chest and he stared forward, he was on the front row and was determined to make a good first impression. The salute held firm and rigid until they were dispersed. For a very short time he thought about heading over and standing with the scouts, following his original career choice but he soon shook his head and turned to go to the military police. He followed Laura over and stood close, still at attention with his legs spread slightly and his arms behind his back. Again looking over the other cadets who wished to join the MP Shuya swallowed and turned his gaze back to their instructor as she spoke. Taking the lead over to the barracks he was amount the first to arrive, the cadets grouped outside the barracks. He instantly turned around to face the others, time was ticking and he thought he might as well get it started. "Fellow cadets! I am Shuya Takuto and at my old regiment I raised a bird that was abandoned by it's mother until it was able to fly!" He shouted so they'd all be able to hear him then bowed swiftly and opened the floor to the next one to introduce themselves.