Name: Tsukiko Yamamoto Age: 16 Gender: Female Birthday/Birthplace/Nationality: November 16/Hiramiki/Japanese Occupation: Shrine Maiden Weapon: [url=]Sounding Staff[/url] [hider=Appearance] Tsukiko is a short girl, often thought to be 15 because of it. She has long brown hair that she gathers into pigtails when not working at the shrine, and likes to wear large sweaters or loose fitting comfortable clothes. [img=] [/hider] Personality: Tsukiko is very happy go lucky, never seeming sad or upset in any way. She likes to help people, especially with studying. When she goes shopping for something, she tends to go overboard and buys way too much, which leaves her broke most of the time. Backstory: There isn't much to tell about Tsukiko's life. She's spent nearly her whole life helping tend to her family's shrine, going to school and hanging out with friends. Likes: Sweets, small animals, studying Dislikes: blood, loud noises, slackers Persona: Inari Arcana: Priestess Skills: Dia, Agi, Patra Strong: Fire Weak: Ice