Well, this looks fun. [b]Name:[/b] Len Nakiya [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] A tall, slender woman, with short and black straight hair stopping at her shoulders. She wears a billowing green kimono with a wide skirt and sleeves longer than her arms, whilst wearing simple wooden sandals. A small steel flask of wine is strapped at her waist, and cloth rags are wrapped around her hands. [b]Profession:[/b] Martial Artist. [b]Personality:[/b] She is a vain, self-centered person, all while keeping up a screen of good manners and appearances. She is arrogant, and perfectly willing to demonstrate her skills. A long time ago, she was rich, and she still believes herself to be above commoners, going so far as to avoid touching them whenever possible, only ever helping them out of self-interest. In spite of that, she isn't willing to outright insult people, for sake of good manners, preferring a more passive-agressive approach. She is essentially a pretty terrible human being. [b]Equipment/Weapons:[/b] Though she fights with her bare hands mostly, she does keep a set of throwing knives and smokebombs in her sleeves, and often carries a fan with "Purely Decorative" steel spikes on the end. [b]Abilities:[/b] A practitioner of martial arts, she uses a style focused on flying kicks and wild acrobatics, using a little magic to aid her in long jumps and lightly glide over the ground while fighting. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] The daughter of a paranoid noble, she grew up mostly locked away for her own safety, while being taught to fight properly, alongside her regular education, to prepare her for any would-be assassins. Of which there were none. By the time she came of age, her father had squandered away her familys' money, leaving them deep in debt. She was forced to move to Karstberg, with instructions to pay off the debt somehow.