Benjamin stepped out onto the balcony, where a cold gust of wind immediately hit him square in the face. He didn't mind it much, though. The apartment always seemed to be uncomfortably warm even during the cold season, and the biting wind was a welcome change. Besides, he'd never really liked warm temperatures, anyway. Memories of the boiling hot "sinner's room" he'd been forced to pray in for hours on end can still make him sweat, even today. His parents had big dreams for him; to be a priest of surpassing holiness, even a saint. Benjamin reasoned that they were worried about their own sins and sought forgiveness riding on his coattails. A piercing headache broke him out of his thoughts, and Benjamin turned to go back inside. Christ, the nicotine withdrawal was really kicking in now. He could just get a fresh pack -- except he didn't have enough cash to buy one, playing for tips just didn't cut it in this day and age. Was he paying the price for not having a stable career? Probably, but with a [url=]scorpion tattoo[/url] adorning the right side of his neck, looking for a job wasn't exactly an easy feat. Benjamin had gotten it done years ago, back when he was young and dumb. It didn't even have any real meaning behind it, and now it was fucking him over [i]royally[/i]. Deciding it best to get ready for the day before his stoner roommates awoke, Benjamin padded over to one of the en-suite bathrooms. In the span of twenty-five minutes, he was all cleaned up and presentable. Well, [i]somewhat[/i]. Granted, his haircut made him look like a Founding Father, but other than that, he looked halfway decent. Dressed completely in washed out neutrals, Benjamin gave himself a quick once over. A white t-shirt, classic blue jeans and a pair of beat-up sneakers formed his outfit, finishing it off with his trusty jacket. Made out of 100% wool with two rows of buttons down the front, it was probably the most expensive thing he owned, save his violin. It has, however, served him well over the years; the material withstanding even the worst abuse. The moment he stepped out of the apartment block, Benjamin was suddenly grateful for his jacket. The weather was quite a bit chillier than expected, but that was just New York for you. Just then, an audible growl emanated from his stomach. He hadn't even had his breakfast yet. In fact, he didn't have dinner last night, either. Fingers tightening around his violin case, Benjamin set off in search of a meal. Fortunately, just two blocks away, Benjamin found a restaurant that [i]wasn't[/i] filled to the brim with the breakfast crowd. Maybe he could get a grilled cheese or something. Briefly glancing inside, he didn't even see the 'closed' sign before he barged in. "Oh." He froze in place the moment he stepped inside the establishment. Noticing that there were no patrons there other than himself, Benjamin quickly deduced that the restaurant wasn't open yet. And that he burst in like a moron. He stared at the redhead sitting at the counter for a few seconds, and he had no doubt that it made her feel at least a teensy bit uncomfortable. "Shit, sorry. I didn't realise you guys weren't open yet. I'll just..." Benjamin interjected his words with vague pointing towards the door. "I'll just leave now."