[center][b]D A N I A & R A Y E N[/b][/center] “Danny..” Terror shook through the small raven haired girl in heavy tremors as the cadets around her began to disperse. Her sisters name quivered from her lips in a meek voice, only audible for Dania and herself to hear, as anxiety began to swell within her forcing a terrified look to come into her eyes. Joining the military had been her escape, and with her sister by her side she had barely made it through the past three years, but now that they were separating into their respective branches the girl began to panic. If she joined the Military Police she understood the luxury it would come with. Absolute protection from the Titans, high class living and comfort that she could share with her family, and a heavy paycheck that would leave her set for life. But that would leave her with the constant reminder of the threat her sister would face outside of the walls. The Scouting Regiment was no joke. They were Humanities front line against the Titans, and while she understood the sacrifice and dedication it took, Ray knew she lacked all the essentials it required to becoming a Scout. Despite all this, she was still reluctant about choosing the Military Police. While she wasn’t all the strong, it still scared Ray knowing that if anything were to happen she wouldn’t be able to help, or protect her sister behind the protection of Wall Sina. Indecisive, anxious and about to have a panic attack, Dania finally stepped in. “You’re going to be fine, Ray.” Calm, reassuring words cut through the girls thoughts as her sister stared down at her with a gentle smile. While Dania wasn’t aware of her sisters true reason for panicking, she still did her best to comfort her. “You’ve worked hard these past few years, and I know you’re going to do great in the Military Police.” Unfazed by her words, Rayens expression didn’t falter as she continued to stare up at the sturdy young woman with fearful eyes. Disappointed that she failed to cheer her little sister up, Dania's eyebrows knitted together in concern as she put a comforting hand along her sisters shoulder, “I believe in you, Rayen. I [i]know[/i] you can do it.” While her sister could’t see it, or rather admit it about herself, Dania had watched the small crybaby she had grown up with grow as a person, and as a soldier. Even if she told her such things, the brunette knew Ray wasn’t going to accept any of it and it would just go in one and out the other. Swallowing hard with an audible gulp she turned her head gazing over at the growing group of Military Police Cadets before returning her attention back on Dania, “You.. you really think so?” A small chuckle slipped out from the older girl as she shifted her stance and went into a salute. “Yes, now hurry up and go, it looks like your mentor is about to make a speech.” “Wha—“ Looking desperately at the MP cadets waiting for their mentor to speak, and back at her sister, Dania raised her eyebrows and gave the girl a stern look as she continued to stand still beside her, “[b]Go[/b], Rayen.” An audible whimper came from the girl as her eyes widened in fear. With no other choice, the smaller girl bit her lip anxiously before turning her back to her sister and hurrying over to the group of Cadets. Watching Rayen head off to the group of Military Police Cadets with a sigh, the brunette caught sight of another soldier eyeing her sister. Her lips flattened into a straight, firm line as she watched the male cadet, and as his eyes drew south on her sister a sudden rage flared up within her. Vibrant brown hues narrowed dangerously as she shot him the coldest glare she was capable of, and if looks could kill, he would have been dead a dozen five times over. The fist along her chest clenched tightly as the idea of socking the tall cadet in the jaw came to mind. That would definitely make him think twice about checking out her sister again. Turning her gaze as soon as the instructor passed him, the hard look continued to sit along her features as she focused her attention to the Scouting Regiment instructor before them. [center][b]R A Y E N[/b][/center] Standing amongst the other recruits waiting to join the Military Police, Rayen found herself surrounded by the-best-of-the-best within her squad. Her strength was nothing to brag about, but she knew the only reason she was here was because of her brains. Small, and not all that strong, the dark haired girl had put most of her focus and interest on the more academic side training. Memorizing all that she had been taught during class, Ray could name a specific type of titan and spit out all the facts, from weaknesses, to habits. During training with her gear, she had taken apart the piece by piece, and put it back together but despite all of this her real talent lied in strategizing. If not for those reasons Ray knew she would have been standing beside her sister with the Scouting Regiment, or with the slackers in the Garrison Regiment. Jolted from her thoughts once again, she straightened up her posture and salute as the Military Police mentor began to speak. “[b]Cadets! Listen up! I am Laura Strasse of the Military Police Brigade! You have all done admirably well to come this far in your training to be recognized as the best and brightest of each of your classes to come here today. Show that kind of dedication and talent to me here, and your efforts will be rewarded according to your ability and due position.[/b]” The girls gaze faltered momentarily as she listened to the woman talk of being among the best and the brightest. “[b]Assemble at the barracks and settle in. Get to know eachother. By the time I walk in at-[/b]“ Oh god, now they had to be social with each other. “[b]Five minutes from now, I expect each of you to know the name and a fact about the person you share a bunk with to share, and I expect it to be a interesting fact! Dismissed![/b]” Given the instructions and still unsure of her decision, Rayen looked back at her sister one last time before following behind the group like a lost puppy as they made their way to the barracks. For the most part her future squad mate didn’t seem all that bad. Knowing a few of them from previous training activities, she unfortunately had never really acquainted herself with any of the cadets in her new regiment before this time. An awkward silence had fallen on the group as they arrived at the barracks, but before long a voice was quick to cut through the silence with a loud, and confident tone. "[b]Fellow cadets! I am Shuya Takuto and at my old regiment I raised a bird that was abandoned by it's mother until it was able to fly![/b]" The sudden outburst caught the girl by surprise as she took a step back, a little thrown off with his exuberant tone. Before anyone else could speak up, slow, unenthusiastic clapping came from the back of the group. All eyes quickly turned to the source only to land on a tall, radiant brunette that stood within the middle of the group. The girl practically radiated with intimidation, and arrogance as she stared down at the blonde boy with a menacing look in her eyes. Icy blue orbs narrowed, eyeing Shuyo like a predator would prey, before she began to make slow and confident strides towards him. “What a hero,” Her words dripped with sarcasm as a wicked smirk curved along her lips, “Do you have any other incredibly talents you’d like to share with us? No? Good.” The girl gave his shoulder a firm shove, pushing him out of the center of the group so she could take center stage. Crossing her arms, and presenting herself in an aggressive manner, she finally spoke up to the group, “My name is Amelia Voclain and my an interesting fact about me is.. hmm.~” Coming to a pause her hand raised to below her face while her finger tapped calmly against her chin as she pondered on what ‘interesting fact’ to tell her new squad mates. Before long Amelia began to talk, and talk, and talk. Scrunching her nose in disgust as the girl ranted on narcissistically, Rayen decided to focus her attention to the fair headed boy named Shuya that had just been roughly shoved to the side. With her hands sitting interlocked behind her back, Ray made slow cautious steps towards the boy before speaking up, “Hey, you alright?” Casting a look over at Amelia, the dark haired girl rolled her eyes in annoyance before shaking her head and returning her focus on the blond, “Ugh, just ignore her. I’m sure once she’s done spouting her crap she’ll stop talking.” Giving a playful smile as she returned her gaze to the boy and tried to lighten the mood, Ray raised her hand out in a friendly gesture while she continued to smile, “My name’s Rayen, it’s nice to meet you Shuya.”