[quote=Schradinger] I'd like to pick up the imperials since darkwolf dropped out. I've had my eye on this RP for a while now, waiting for a good opening. The Imperials seem like as good an opening as any, especially since they've been modified to fit the roman stratagems a bit more.Can I get a synopsis of what's happening with Cyrodiil right now and in the recent past? Links to relevant posts would be better, but that's a lot of work for you guys (almost as much as it would be for me reading through 8 pages of backstory, though I will read as much as I can). [/quote] [quote=GreivousKhan] Woooolf! Noo! I wish you luck on your ventures though. :(@Schradinger, feel like I've seen you somewhere before. As far as events in the Empire here's what's not un the Empire sheet...Events: First off the Cyrodiilic Disconnect, a nasty disease which is reported to cause out of body experiences and feeling of their soul being drained away is ravaging Cyrodill at the moment, Angela Venarius the only alchemist with the know how to cure it has currently fled to Daggerfall.Second, Catland has just come out of a civil war for independence, the Pro empire faction won out and it is now technically part of the empire but is in dire struts atm. Thirdly, The Akaviri have at last landed in Black marsh and Skyrim, Winterhold has been turned to ruin, and Windhelm and Thorn sacked. Empire looked like it might have been going north to help Skyrim before wolf had to go.Fourth, Hammerfell and the Empire have signed a tentative treaty or otherwise known as a Defense pact, as well as trading rights recently. This in the face of a possible Dominion war on Hammerfell that is very likely to happen.Those are the major stuff I can recall atm. The Empire have their hands full it seems. :P [/quote] We were also part of The Empire before the civil war, just saying, but basically, Grevious is correct. It's a shame wolf went... :( He really liked this too...