(You've gotten Arma 2? Sweet dude- out of interest, do you play Wasteland a lot, or moreover the Domination or DayZ sort of things? I play Arma 3 mostly- I really like it. ) Natalie looked at him enticingly, taking his arm as she knew the gentleman inside Victor did. "If you're suggesting we give the people of this city a demonstration of why we have the best sex life, above any of those fucking Kardashians or any fucking playboy, it's tempting. But I'd save your big snake for later. This morning was just a starter. Remember that time on the balloon? Well...I mean, if I had it, I'd get it setup in some field, and we'd go and bang above Brussels Victor. I wonder...you think there's any company that would take any amount of money to take a pair of giants on a balloon tour of Brussels at night, for them to clamber up?" Natalie said, walking arm in arm with him as she adjusted her black dress. Her bra kept her breasts low, but if she felt like it, she could easily at any moment, have it so that the breasts pushed the dress up in a fashion that would have made it clear, that the large-breasted Franco-Russian girlfriend of Victor Kantaario was with reason, packing the pair for a man that outscaled any other. Maybe later, just to get Victor's rush on. "I don't reckon so. But we'll figure something out tonight. Something that will blow our minds." Natalie whispered in his ear, a smile on her face, as they walked in. Walking into the mall, Natalie looked around, looking for the restaurant, hand in hand. "You did good today though. I know I missed you on your training, but I made us a good amount of money extra, in addition to when you win this year my sweetie. It had nothing to do with sinking a ship and that selfie, I promise." Natalie said quietly to him, as she looked around, aware that the two of them were being peered at. Adjusting her dress a little, her high heels clicking on the tiles and bringing her to about 7"3, she seemed quite to scale with Victor. "That the one there?" Natalie asked, pointing over towards a chic looking restaurant, which seemed quite small, and tucked out the way- but by no means, was exactly low-standards. It looked like the best of the best in this place, and felt almost sure it was what Victor had mentioned. They had plenty more to discuss over dinner- and she felt hungry. Double portions would probably cut it- she knew Victor had other ideas, but herself, she had to pig a little. After the breakfast, something a little more elegant, and then restarting her physical training tomorrow evening for another two hours whilst Victor was finalizing himself for any later WSM events on the last few days would probably burn and make up for the day's feasting that Natalie went on.