[quote=Schradinger] Is it alright if I personalize their military a bit as soon as I pick them up, or is that something that would have to wait and be done IC? Mostly it would just be a better outline of troop composition and outfitting, as well as the composition and role of mages in the Legion.Though I'll be unable to edit the original NS for them, so I'm not sure how I'd go about that... Do I make a new nation sheet for any changes I need? (Such as alliances and heroes and such as they come about). [/quote] You can copy Darkwolf's existing profile for modifications and extrapolations. I prefer that you don't change anything specific before your IC posts, after that, you can start shaping Cyrodiil in your own directions. Also, do you intend to keep the previous emperor or make a new one? It wouldn't be too likely for the old emperor to suddenly introduce reforms, at least, it would be easier to revamp the country with a new ruler. If you do decide to crown a new emperor, the last emperor, Gaius, will succumb to the Cyrodiilic Disconnect and die from the disease.