[quote=gcold]Also, do you intend to keep the previous emperor or make a new one? It wouldn't be too likely for the old emperor to suddenly introduce reforms, at least, it would be easier to revamp the country with a new ruler. If you do decide to crown a new emperor, the last emperor, Gaius, will succumb to the Cyrodiilic Disconnect and die from the disease. [/quote] It was either that or have him start being manipulated behind the scenes by someone else in the empire, perhaps a powerful Mage or the leader of the Penitus Oculatus. Then after a bit have another figure rise to prominence, expose the plot, and replace the current emperor. It just doesn't feel right to kill off an emperor without some sort of intrigue. Edit: Perhaps the Mage secretly sympathizes with the Akaviri, and so begins to subtly manipulate the emperor into taking a more friendly stance toward them. It could make for all kinds of excellent political intrigue RP.