Name: Jartod Age: 35 Race: Redguard Class: Sellsword Birthsign : The Mage [hider=Appearance:] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] Jartod Stands at 6’5, with a goatee and some hair extending from it. Brown Eyes and no clear tattoos, scars or anything of noticeable quality. Brown Complexion with Black Hair, switches between traditional Redguard Head ware and Robes when in towns and a set of armour, Oricish with a Red Equipment: Oricish armour for roads. Set of destruction, restoration, conjuration spells with a Ebony Sword. Spells : Talents/Spells/Strengths: Weaknesses: “ I will say that to your face “ (Blunt) – Jartod is known to be in your face and blunt towards other people, weather friend, or acquaintance “It’s a bloodlust you could say “ (Brutal) – During times, whether it’s when he has a clear upper hand or when the enemy is surrendering, Jartod is a brutal man who slays without remorse or regret “Extra bit of gold is something, Of a driving force” (Greedy) – Jartod is a person who tends to go “a mile further” to earn some gold, whether it’s moral or immoral. Personality: Loyal and Righteous to the cause, tends to have his bad days but focuses on the task at hand. (More info given IC) Background: Jartod began in Hammerfall, serving with the Hammerfall has a patrol guard when he was 18. He mainly did border and caravan patrols, while also studying in the school of magic, to gain a better understanding of destruction and conjuration magic. Jartod’s early 20’s were uneventful. He moved up the ranks of the Hammerfall Military, before he later dropped out to seek Mercenary involvements and also further his understanding of the Arcane. Jartod’s first major absence from Hammerfall was during the waning years of the Argonian Advance, he was sent on a contract to Morrowind, where he was apart of a small battalion responabile for guarding a supply caravan to an Argonian Checkpoint. The pay was good, and the company was decent as well. The group proceeded to Black Marsh, to meet up with the convoy. For the first few days, it was uneventful. Until, a week later when disease and a small time bandit raid struck the group. Out of the 20 Man Party, only 8 remained, and they still had 3 more days to go until they arrived at the first Argonian checkpoint. It seemed hopeless, Javier and some of the other mercenaries planned to take off with the supplies, it was a plan. Until they found out that they didn’t know where they were. So, the 8 proceeded to the Checkpoint, one of them succumbed to dieses while another when crazy and wandered into the wilderness. The Argonian later ordered the convoy to be disbanded, while Jartod and the other 7 only receiving half of their planned payment. One note however, Jartod during his time in Argonia, he began to grow more resistance to diseases, not only that but he often mastered the way to fight in a guerilla environment through the various bandit raids. Jartod in a sense became a better warrior during this time, not only with a sword but with the arcane. Jartod struck a balanced match between traditional Redguard Sword-Play , and destruction + conjuration Magic. He also learned during this time how to copy with a long campaign, mentally, emotionally and physically. He, during these times honed his skill to the brink of perfection. It seemed lost after the Argonian incident for Jartod, until he registered himself in the Imperial Military. He went thru extensive training, before serving has a Imperial Military Battlemage, during this time he was assigned to Squad Dragon Eye, where he would find out his next mission.