Silver watched as the last bits of the battle sparked out like a dying flame. The goblin she had been fighting had ran away it utter terror as a bomb went off behind Silver, killing off the last of the remaining battle. Silver didn’t believe the goblin would cause more problems, now that it had seen its friend getting blown to goblin bits and torn apart across the battlefield. She decided that it would be best to let the creature run and she was in no mood for a chase. She let deep breath escape her lips, tickling the tip of her nose with warm air. She stood straight, confident and tall with her shoulders relaxed back, although she hadn’t particularly done anything to deserve the victory. She glancing across to everyone she could see and then turned her attention towards the man who was approaching her. He seemed a pompous and stuffy gentleman, clearly a nobleman or of some higher birth. He seemed quite nervous about the situation, but any normal person would be after coming to near death. That was one of the many things that separated adventurous, most seemed to lack the fear of impending death, some even embraced it. It was the most thrilling part of a fight. Silver was slightly disturbed at the young mans idealistics of commoners and nobles, but she was too surprised by his compliments to oppose to it. She loved being flattered and it raised her spirits a bit about her weak fight. His hand had taken hold of hers before she could reject and kissed the back of it. It made her slightly uncomfortable, but it was not something that was uncommon for her. She disliked it when others treated her as if she was better because she had been raised into a higher birth, but the man seemed naive. She doubted anything she said on her thoughts would benefit her later. She curtsied as she had been taught to do and spoke kindly to the man with gentle words. “I am flattered by your kind words, Sir. I am indeed not as common as one might think.” She spoke smoothly, her words light hearted. Her words were filled with trickery, but she had told no lies. She would prefer to be on the mans good side, if she ever needed the help. Someone of a higher status could be helpful to have on her side, since she was planning to stay and see what her dreams granted her. Perhaps, this fight was what her goddesses had planned for her, but she wasn’t certain that that was it. She watched as the man addressed the rest of the group and left. Silver surveyed the part of the group that she could see from where she stood. She remained silent for the moment, waiting for what was to come. She hoped to get a moment of rest before she dealt with more attacks, but there always seemed to be problems to deal with. As well as the town would be dealing with many injuries from the attack, it was likely that her help would be needed.