Lethe's heart slammed his chest as he stood at salute, cold fear coursing through his veins. This was the choice that he'd always knew would come, and Lethe had long ago decided his decision. Now that he was actually faced with the options of the three military brigades, his resolve had melted. Since the moment he had been taken from the cruel underground city, the survey corps had always been Lethe's choice. He had longed for the freedom above the underground, but Lethe had quickly realized that he had no more than he had under the ground. No one would have true freedom until the walls were abolished and the titans were destroyed. But did he really have the courage required to choose freedom over a safe life in the inner walls? With a start, Lethe realized that he was shaking. Why the hell would he be shaking, he already knew where he needed to be! But why did the choice have to be so hard? And a leisure life serving the king did sound quite alluring... Lethe took a small step towards the Military Police group, safety. But it was that one step that caused him to falter, and he stopped himself. Lethe examined all of the cheery trainees ready to give themselves to the king rather than help pull humanity from the pit that it lie in, was he really one of them? He wasn't. Lethe realized. He never would be. And with shaky steps, Lethe pulled himself towards the group of the potential Survey Corps. Fear started to envelop the boy, but there was one thing that overwhelmed it - pride. This was who he was, and this is where he belonged. Humanity would have their freedom, and he would try his hardest to make sure that the walls wouldn't be their prison. Still shaking, Lethe straightened into a salute and stared directly at the officer of the Survey Corps, fierce pride burrowing away his fear. Humanity didn't cower away from the titans, and neither would he. He would fight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the groups were dismissed, Lethe followed behind the crowd heading toward the barracks, albeit at a distance. Being among a group made him feel quite claustrophobic, and it was hard for him to handle. Once he was in the barracks, Lethe politely chose a bunk away from others, choosing the lower one and settling down onto it. This was it, his training was almost over and soon his new life would start. Soon he would be outside the walls, free from the confines of this cage. Whether it took 1 year or a 100, humanity would be free, and he'd fight until his last to make sure of that.