[b]Sano Takeshi[/b] Unable to truly commit his attention to the rather lazy instructor, Sano continued to eye that girl from earlier. For some reason, he was a sucker for girls with short hair. In addition to that, she was skinny, which was also attractive in his opinion. Though a lot of his [i][b]friends[/i][/b] enjoyed the look of woman with a little meat in their bones, Sano didn't get pressured to follow the crowd. So with the girl in sight, he once again took the liberty to check her out. He started from the ground at the sole of her feet, then up her boots and eventually her legs. He couldn't help but stare at her back side again, but quickly continued up to her shoulders. As he got to the back of her head, he was gonna return his gaze to her bottom, but........ "Crap, why the hell is she lookin' at me like that" Sano thought to himself, turning away and back to formation. A shorter girl was staring dead at him at this moment. He could feel her stare crawl through his skin as though a parasite. His heart beat loudly as his entire body began to irritate in heat. Sano couldn't help but think how perverted he had looked - how weird that girl must think he was. He hoped to God that she didn't tell the other girl - it would definitely be the worst thing that could happen to him on this first day of their last year of training. He feared becoming one of those stories girls told each other every time they went to the bathroom together. These girls were most likely gossip queens or whatever - they looked that way at least. Soon enough, his status as a perv would spread like a storm around all the barracks. His life was over. From the corner of his eye, he could still see her, but could't make out if she was staring anymore. So slowly, he decided to turn his head to find out. Once he did, a sudden explosion pierced his very soul. The heat turned to cold as his body shivered in place. The girl's eyes had locked onto his and prevented him from turning away. It was as though he'd turn to stone at the mere sight of this female. "Medusa....." In attempt to fix his rather pervy mistake, Sano squinted his eyes, gave a faint smile, and waved normally. With that done, he returned to formation in belief he had fixed everything. Sano's mind was a puzzle - he could never figure out exactly what to do with the mass amount of options before him. His thoughts always ran wild with all kinds of wondrous ideas, questions, answers. But he didn't think he was weird, just normal. Of course, he wasn't the cool guy or nothing, but he wasn't a damn freak. Interaction isn't that difficult for him because he is confident in his looks, so he isn't that shy. He's just a normal teenager he supposed. But this little incident with the dark-skinned girl made him feel rather eerie. Was this shoerter girl the other girl's friend? Her sister? Her......girlfriend?!! These questions started to roam that maze of a mind. But all was interrupted by a sudden thud from a fellow cadet. For some damn reason, the instructor - Elisa-somthing - just smashed her leg into red-haired guys stomach. The soldier fell straight to the ground, unable to catch himself. Due to Sano's lack of attention, he had no idea what the heck was going on and why the instructor would strike down one of her own. He looked in all directions just watching all the other cadets just stand there in silence. Were they not concerned for their fellow comrades health? He got irritated that nobody was doing anything to this unjust treatment, that everyone just walked to the barracks like nothing had happened- therefore, he himself, Sano Takeshi took lead. He stepped out of formation and pointed at Elisa. "What the hell was that for?!! He didn't do anything!" he called out, unsure if his argument was valid or not. Regardless her rank, she wasn't suppose to treat them like animals. She could be as hard as she wanted, as tough as she desired, but they weren't slaves or Titans, they were human. "Lady what's your problem?!" If this was the kind of people that were in charge of protecting the walls, then no wonder the Titans broke through. Doing this might not have been the brightest move, but it was the one he chose.