Kirugetsu Hozuki. Formerly a 7 million Ryo bounty in Konohagakure for killing the head of the Hyuga Clan, Hirotaka Hyuga... was now not only welcomed in the Village, but a war hero to the people and a new squad leader for the Genin fresh out of the Academy. [B]""First day of a new squad. I remember my old kids. Wonder if they're even still alive."[/B] Last time he took on a squad to teach, there was a war shortly after. As much as part of him reveled in the combat, he knew he was past his prime by this point. By no means was he old and feeble, of course... but the days of him fighting tirelessly for hours were just about done. Maybe sometime before the end he could have his last great fight... a battle to end all battles for the Hozuki Jounin. Meandering around the town as he stayed enthralled by the thoughts of his past... through sheer muscle memory at this point, he managed to walk to the seafood stall in the market. Brought back to reality by the pungent and salty scent of fish and seafood, Kirugetsu took a small pouch of money out of his pocket. [B]"Got any crab today, Mister Futaka?"[/B] The middle-aged man nodded and handed Kirugetsu a small plastic bucket of small fresh-water crabs, and was handed some money in return. Kirugetsu smiled cheerfully, his shark-toothed grin (a blatant symbol of his former status in Kirigakure) caused the fishmonger to take a step or two back. Though he was a frequent customer, the shark-like teeth still made the man feel uneasy. Reaching into the bucket as he walked toward Training Field 22, Kirugetsu was pinched by one of the tiny crustaceans. The attack was quickly responded to, as the Hozuki crunched the little morsel's shell in his grip and killed it. He then proceeded to eat it in a manner most would find sickening... by chomping the shell, sucking out the insides, chowing down on the pincers and legs, and pretty much devouring the entire animal. The process would be repeated several times as he waited for his squad. Currently, he was the only one who was unsure of his team's makeup. Only one member was certain, and that was a young Inuzuka girl, who like many of the new graduates, had suffered from a rough childhood thanks to Sai's reign. [B]"But how to start all this off?"[/B] grumbled the man as he absentmindedly chewed on a fragment of carapace left over from the last of the tasty treats he brought with him. Some teachers liked to test the kids against their own skills, others pitted them against each other, and still others made it a contest. In the past, Kirugetsu had chosen the second option, and set his students against one another in a bid to forge some friendly rivalry between them. This time should be different, he reasoned. But the other options did the same basic things, really. So how exactly to circumvent that? Eh, it didn't matter right now because his squad wasn't even here yet. Those chosen would likely have gotten their messages by now, so all that was left was to wait. Waiting still wasn't his strong suit, but he could manage to chill out and enjoy the sights and sounds of the Training Areas for a while.