[hider= Kiania, Blademaster] Name: Kiania Age: 27 Race: Redguard Class: The Weaponmaster/Blademaster Appearance: [img]http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z421/JerichoEnd/TheElderScrollsVSkyrim2014-6-12-20-11-28-852.jpg[/img] Kiainia possess a wiry yet fairly athletic and muscled frame, she stands roughly 5'7 and weighs easily 145Ib's. He features are deceptively fair and soft, underlying a fierce personality. A beautiful if voluptuous women, with a finely toned body, Kiania would be considered attractive to most. [url=https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/PLl0xL9TSqAyGIaTKD5LzjaTdPclc4BJ5ZYOSItG-5fYp6QYRNytqiwQfP1asuplR9fDgn1DHuNNoLBL4cgOyOfUVIpp73IvzYYuDIDD3eFGOeGvL8YNG79kzjL8wO9oOA]Clothing worn over hear chain mail[/url] but with more cloth similar to the one in the first pic. Birthsign: The Lover- Morrowinds Equipment: Stormclaw- A scimitar with an enchantment that makes the blade sharper and the weapon more likely to strike true. This enchantment is bolstered in order to make the wielder better at parrying an opponent's blow, and every successful strike carriers a small current of magical draining effect that tires an opponent more quickly. Stormclaw has a star-cut azure sapphire on its pommel and when it directly hits an object, it will briefly glow as it's inborn magic discharges. Coldfang- An almost exact copy of it's sister blade, Coldfang differs with a hilt of black ebony and the blade is made of silver with a diamond like edge. Its handle was shaped like the head of a hunting cat. The weapon absorbs fire and heat, protecting its wielder against fire to some extent. Both blades were forged by the master swordsmith Singer Ibn Naggazar using advanced steel and smelted with malachite, with master techniques from Frandar Hunding's Book of Circles, to give both blades terrifying sharpness. Skyfire & Quiver- Skyfire is a beautifully crafted elven designed longbow made of polished wood, her father 'acquired' it from a very dead bosmer during the Dominion campaigns. The elven craftsmen makes the bow so strong even stone cannot scratch the marvelous wood, and the deep finish of its polish can be returned by a single brush of the hand, though it has no such protection from magic. Mithril chainmail- It covers mainly her central body, including chest, stomach, and back. Talents/Spells/Strengths: [b]Tracker[/b]: Kiania is no novice in terms of tracking and scouting, her long time tracking game in Hammerfell during her rite and furthering those skills to lands outside her own have allowed her to be fairly adept in the art. [b]Desert Training[/b]: Like many of her kin, Kiania relentless almost nonstop training from the young age of 12 has fashioned both a talented swords-women and a warrior of exponential constitution combined with hardy endurance. In a force march or dead sprint, Kiania is the last to tire and the first to recover from exhaustion and can fight off most poisons and diseases. [b]Sandstorm Charge[/b]: Being among a race known as the most talented warriors in all of Tamriel and having nearly mastered Habakiri herself, the Yokudan style known as Diamond mind, Kiania can seemingly enter a state that makes it appear as if she is actually moving faster then her opponent. In truth, uncanny perception coupled with a trained mind and senses process minute details at such speeds that time appears to have slowed down to Kiania for a short period of time, allowing her to perceive what would normally be moving too fast to see and respond accordingly. However, being aware of an attack and being quick enough to avoid it are by no means the same thing. [b]Battle Clarity[/b]: Kiania can enter a state of almost mystical awareness of the battlefield around her. As long as she are not flat-footed, caught off guard or otherwise made immobile, her keen insight usually allows her to stay out of harms way quiet easily. Weaknesses: While her senses and mind can follow the most attacks, her body may not be able to act in time to do anything about it. Distrust and superstition of most forms of magic that linger in the minds of all redguard's are just as strong in Kiania, she will often refuse the aid of magic even should it be beneficial. She herself also possess no from of magical ability having never trained in the art. Lack of a shield or heavy armor leaves Kiania less then capable of with standing a heavy handed blow when it eventually lands. Given recent tensions due to their invasion of Hammerfell, Kiania also holds strong bias toward the Dominion, and the high elves specially. Personality (optional): Despite her harsh spartan upbringing, Kiania is kind, tolerant, and pragmatic. She is slow to anger, but when she is, it can be a frightening thing to behold indeed. Not one to easily forget, she can be quick enough to forgive if she believes the offender warrants it. Intelligent though often reckless, Kiania can come off as something of a wild spirit who believes that End merely means Effort Never Dies, and no, just means Next Opportunity. A lesson she applies to most things, leaving her as a person who rarely if ever gives up, even should the task seem hopeless. Background: Raised and born in the city of Hegathe, Kiania grow up largely in the aftermath of the Dominions failed invasion of southern Hammerfell. Seeing the ruin and and desolation left in the wake of the Great War played a large part in shaping Kiania's perspective of the world. Due to her father largely being away earning for his family by his swords edge, Kiania become much closer to her mother, though she greatly came to appreciate the sacrifices her father had made for her. A skilled healer in the area of restoration as a worshiper of Tava, it was her mother who taught Kiania the value of all life, both man or mer. Kiania prized her mothers dedication to her values, treating the sick and injured regardless of their race or creed. Though she would never truly forgive the Dominion for their past crimes to her people, she would take up her mothers character of defending those who could not protect themselves. By the age of 12 her father had returned home on one fateful day and told Kiania that he had a gift for her. He brought her with him on a long pilgrimage to Skaven, but more specifically to the Hall of the Virtues of War, the home of the almost extinct Sword-Singers, just outside the city. Upon the journey daughter and father had become closer, which made what was to come more difficult for her. Having nearly come of age, her father had decided it was time for her to learn the ways of her people; she would stay within Hammerfells most esteemed fighting school and learn THE WAY OF THE SWORD from the same master who had taught her father. So it was for the next twelve years, Kiania would be put through the most rigorous training Tamriel had to offer. Every morning at the rise of the sun, she would dress and contemplate the day’s readings from The Book of Circles. Breakfast would follow consisting of fresh water and fruits. There would be no meat before mid-day. Then she would run around the perimeter of the temple six times. No shoes or sandals. Then they would begin training exercises with students. Progress through each of the day's strikes until mid-day. Then at last a Hearty lunch and more group reading of the day's Book of Circles studies. Afternoon would consist of sparring, both bare handed and with blades and other assorted weapons, then exercises and official duels to rank the students. Finally a evening meal at sundown with a light but ample wine, followed by several hours quiet rumination and meditation. On and on it went for twelve years, before finally Kiania had gradated with a very select few, almost half her class mates had dropped out or otherwise left by the end of it. Graduation was no great ceremony however, but a final test, where they each had to endure a rite of passage in the desolate wastes of Alik’r as a last test of endurance and discipline. Only the strongest survived. In the end she had earned her family honor, and was gifted with only one reward; her beloved and prized news swords, Coldfang and Stormclaw. Kiania was among those graduates, and by the end she had become one of the Halls most esteemed and talented blademasters. A week later she would say goodbye to her old friends of the hall, before returning home, no longer a young girl, but a women. A happy reunion would follow at home, and it would be several days that Kiania would remain in he home city. However, tragedy would strike on one routine expedition into the Alik'r desert, one funded by a rich merchant seeking secrets of the long buried Dwemer city, Volenfell. He father had been signed on as a guard, when a nomadic band of ra gada descended upon their camp, killing most of them and taking prisoner many others, her father among them. Learning of the event nearly a two days later, Kiania did not hesitate before preparing to leave and seek out her father herself. The weak merchant lord having signed off the expedition as a failure. It would be another two week before she finally tracked down the highwaymen. Waiting until night, she infiltrated the camp, managing to sneak into the area they kept many of their prisoners. Upon freeing them, they quickly took the nomads by surprise, liberating weapons from those they killed before cutting their way through the encampment, to the remaining prisoners. Upon finding her father, she was mortified by what she saw. Both his eyes had been gauged out, and his tongue removed. Disheartened by the sight, she wept, and her father, recognizing her voice, wept too, sorry he had failed himself and his daughter. They would return home in time, but despite her many gifts in healing, not even Kiania's mother could undo the damage done. Kiania would stay with her family another year, helping them earn they keep, due to her father no longer being able to do so. Soon he talents, and skill had earned her a large sum of septims indeed. In time she took more and more jobs further from home, unable to come to terms with she her pa in so cruel a state. Yet feeling guilty all the more so for it. It would be her father only gift to Kiania when she had returned had been his most believed bow, Skyfire, for he had been a archer and swordsmen of great skill indeed. So it would be his gift was the ultimate reminder to Kiania of her fathers suffering and the injustice done to him. The over god Tall Papa had a cruel humor indeed. Kiania would eventually enter her own walk about of sorts, traveling much of Tamriel and righting wrongs wherever she went, vowing no one would suffer what her father had suffered. So it is in recent days she has learned of the troubling events in Skyrim, and with the promise of enough coin to finally take care of her parents for the rest of their days so they might live on in something resembling comfort, Kiania would join the Dragon's Eye. Ah yes, The gods do have a cruel sense of humor.... [/hider]