Candi Bella Deacon Pure ghost: Name: Candi Bella Deacon Age: 6 (about 215 years ago) Gender: Female Appearance: [img=] She looks like the picture above when she makes herself visible and she is content. When her mood turns sour however, cuts appear on her dress, her hair gets messy and wild, her voice gets raspy, and large purple bruises appear around her neck. Ghost abilities: Candi can convince people to do things with a sort of charm speak that gets stronger the closer she is to the person or how much they listen to her. She can also create illusions, like making it look like she’s putting a bow around you when it’s actually a chain she’s planning to strangle you with, or making you think your face is peeling off. Personality: Candi is very sweet, in a weird sort of way. Like the kind of sweet a cat is when it brings you a dead bird or cricket and expects you to eat it. She likes to be very honest with people, and won’t hold back on telling them if they look like c-r-a-p. She can be very competitive and hates to lose in most anything. She can get very jealous very quickly as well, and this can ( and most likely will) lead to some very violent outcomes. But she will still act like a proper young lady, just like her mommy raised her to be. Short history of life: Candi’s mother raised her on the plantation the family owned along with her other 5 older sisters. Since Candi was the youngest she was the baby of the family and would get whatever she wanted just by asking, much to the displeasure of her older sisters. Her mother adored her, at first, always buying her cute frilly dresses and big pink bows, but things turned sour when she discovered that Candis father, who traveled often, had had a child with a mistress. Not one to be outdone, Candis mother pushed all her daughters to improve in everything from looks to knowledge, and pushed herself as well. Candi was happy to comply with all this, unlike her sisters. The pressure did not fare well with her daughters and husband and she was sent away to an institution. The institution only worsened her mental state however and when Candi went to visit her (she was the only one who would go) , her mother strangled her to death with the chains on her wrists, justifying to herself and Candi that if Candis father hadn’t cheated,none of this would have happened. Her sisters mourned their misguided sister but not enough to leave her room alone instead of turning it into a second sewing room. Short history of afterlife: Candi stuck around after her death, with a vengeance, but not against her mother. She had always taken her mother’s words to heart, (like how she was the cutest thing in the whole country, how her sisters were lazy and disgraceful, and how her Father had been simply blinded by lust by that penny whore) and so she proceeded to haunt her father’s Mistress and their child, as well as anyone who claimed they were cuter than her. None of them became ghosts after they died, not that she was aware of anyways, so instead she became protective of anyone left over on her mother’s side of the family throughout the years, at any costs. However, she was caught and thrown into the ghost world after scaring one too many beauty pageant competitors for life.