[b]Episode one: Just a Slice[/b] "Ugh... I know that we've had worse fights and all, but this guy was tough..." A somewhat high pitched spoke tiredly as fell onto the pitch black sofa, letting out a long sigh after colliding with the piece of furniture. Three other voices groaned in agreement with the youngest of the team, and the fifth members said nothing as she floated to her exhausted friend. While she did agree with him, she didn't see how useful it would be for her to voice her opinion. Everybody already knew what she thought on the subject, as evidenced by the light bags under her dark purple eyes that almost appeared black. After nearing the sofa, the grey skinned woman sat down next to her green skinned friend, at a distance that wasn't very common for people who were just friends. She said nothing, but nothing needed to be said from her, and she would keep fairly quiet until her opinion needed to be voiced. "Well guys, I guess this just means that we have to kick our training up a notch." Another voice spoke, this time coming our of the elevator, getting an annoyed groan from one of the other members, who simply stared at the leader of the Titans. The observer was able to see that the iconic mask of the leader was ripped up, exposing one of his eyes to the world. Most of his costume was ripped up, and it didn't seem to phase the leader at all. "Oh come on man!" The same man that had just groaned called out as he was going through the fridge. "This will me like the fifth notch that we have to kick up this month alone! I'm telling you robin, it can't just be us out there protecting the city. All of the other titans have a second group, why don't we?" "Because we aren't them and we don't need a second group, Cyborg. Things are getting tough, but that's how it's supposed to be. We can't just pick people up off of the streets and make them into heroes." He spoke calmly and evenly as he walked into the room and over to the other sofa, right next to the one where Raven and Beast Boy were at. A young woman followed Robin to the sofa and sat next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and getting him to look at her. "Robin, I know that you do not want to put people in danger, but Cyborg is right. Our enemies are getting stronger and I fear that we won't be able to keep up with them. The very least we could do is see if there are any other heroes in the Jumping City that would wish to become a Teen Titan" Once again, Starfire was able to convince Robin to do something that he normally wouldn't do if somebody else told him. He loved and respected his wife, and valued her opinion above anyone elses. With a small sigh and nod, Robin gave in to the will of Starfire. "Alright Star. We'll look around and see if anyone is up to the task." He then looked around to his teammates and stood up. "But if we don't find anyone, then we're going to kick our training up three notches." He said, getting a groan out of everyone, including Raven. --- Currently in his civilian clothes, Ryan Pratt was walking up to a pizza joint that he had heard about. He was fairly new to Jump City, and was currently renting a small apartment. Before he left, he had heard about how many Villains attacked the coastal city on a monthly basis, and knew that it was the perfect place to get strong. He needed to become stronger, and he was prepared if any monsters were to attack. With a small smile on his face, the young man walked into the pizza joint and stood in line to order.