INTEREST. --- (Edit) STRENGTHS: I'm pretty unconventional in how I portray my ideas, and I'm pretty creative. I love this genre of roleplay, and am pretty well versed in some of the lore surrounding it. I suppose working well with others could count as a strength? I'm not really cocky about my skill as a writer (because, let's face it, there's not much). I'm capable of consistent posts (this honestly shouldn't be a strength, but honestly I'm sure we've all seen RPs die because of this), and I'm always trying to improve my writing (not just as an RPer, as a college student as well). I'm alright. I realize I could be better and I suppose I strive for that-- but I also do this because I find it very fun and relaxing. WEAKNESSES: My posting style might just rub someone the wrong way. I could be much better at proof reading (like, at all) and my grammar and sentence structure occasionally suffers because of this. My sarcasm might be a little grating. And I am something of a slow writer and reader, so when I do edit it takes me anywhere from hours to days (and it can still use improvement). My writing depends heavily on the type of day I have, and I tend to not really pass the 2-3 paragraph mark.