If you know what Plague Inc is then, great! You probably know what I'm talking about. If not, then I will explain it to you. "The Neurax worm is a Manipulative organism that burrows in to the brain." The Neurax worm has the ability to 'convince' their hosts that they are their god and masters through an overdose of Vasopressin and Oxytocin. For the sake of RP purposes, the influence of the Neurax worm can obviously be resisted, and those who have only a human character either embrace it, don't care, or are against it will have their own opinions and will be able to act on them, regardless of weather or not they are infected. Worm OC's cannot infect human OC's without specific permission. The Neurax worm can also cause their hosts to obsess over worm related tasks, for better or for worse on each side. Some Neurax worms can also cause maturity levels to go down because of hormone activity. It can also cause minor forms of mania and some insanity. They can also cause confusion, memory loss, aneurysms, aphasia, coma, hallucinations and Brain Hemorrhaging. This is why the text in bold is there. Also, power gaming, metagameing, and god modding will be against the rules, as always. If you are interested, please respond, and post whatever you think should be included!