[quote=RedRising] Oranges!!!!IT IS DONEName: Cotinis scara ( 'Cot' for those who frequently forget it/ mispronounce it)Age: 38Gender: maleRace: SetraAppearance: (same as the picture Tree used as a reference, just an altered color scheme of deep black and a shiny emerald green).History: Cotinis had been raised with many siblings and step siblings (his mother had mated again a while after her first husbands' demise), and this position let him see many of his kind grow up and go down different paths. Two brothers had grown up to be the sculpting artsy type and make business- but both were so stubborn that rather then joining together they made rival shops. One sister immersed herself in medicine and the healing arts; and another brother sought to undo all that work by fighting anyone he could. One sibling was even married and expecting her own young soon. Cotinis had choices when he was young; but rather then choose something easy he insisted on following his eldest brother on his scholarly pursuits. Sometimes they discovered things, sometimes they made things completely from scratch. Sometimes they had to heal themselves or others, other times they had to fight. It was the best of all his siblings careers as far as Cot was concerned. At least until his brother finally met someone on their travels, and agreed to settle down. Cotinis continued, and eventually his pursuit of knowledge and exploration led him here, as an explorer to the Shatter zone.Equipment: With his natural abilities in strength and armor, the only thing left really was something sharp and pointy. Cot learned to wield a short blade in his non-dominant left hand; the reasoning being that he needed his stronger right hand to punch things. Other then that he will occasionally wear simple black robes to cover up when there is a bit of a chill in the air. If it's colder then he has a bright red scarf as well. The robe has secret pockets on the inside of it that he sometimes uses to store random samplings of things he wants to study or research later. These secret pockets are very secret.You may not ask what is in the secret pockets.you may not ask about the secret pockets in general. They are secret.Magical Knowledge: knows of magic, is learned in some of it's basic concepts from an educational basis, never actually used it, never plans to use it, probably doesn't even have it so it's not important.Skills: His strength and durability due to his species. Intellect, and fast decision making skills. Decent first aid knowledge. Optional: curious and intelligent like the rest of his species; Cot is also extremely watchful and calculating. Not quick to fight anyone who isn't a major threat or enemy, Cotinis has more of a slow-burn hatred system. While he understands that reason and feelings don't always go hand and hand, actions that are wild and crazy and most importantly stupid drive him insane, he doesn't understand the reasoning behind them. Hates prejudice. [/quote] Accepted! [quote=Skyrte] muh wipName: Adept Sicarus SonneAge: 23Gender: MaleRace: Human of The OrderHistory:Sonne was born in one of the poorer towns in the countryside, where his parents sold him at birth to get another meal on the table. As Sonne grew, he proved to be an intelligent boy, his owner failed to realize this and kept him as a slave, eventually, Sonne escaped. He became a homeless street urchin, gathering a band of others like him, using his intellect and quick wit to get them food, cash, and shelter, urging them to Port Titanicus. However, they were very far away. They began their slow journey to Port Titanicus, when an opportunity presented itself, a ship was leaving port to head to their destination, one of the kids took that opportunity, but the rest were too slow.Days later, a Techmagus came to the town, and found the crew that Sonne was leading. Impressed by their teamwork, the Techmagus picked them up and gave them a free ride to Port Titanicus, where the crew went their separate ways.Sonne was adopted and inducted into the Order by the Techmagus, and now here he is. Having already been on some adventures.Equipment:-FNC Mark V "Door Knocker" .50 Caliber Heavy Pistol.-Order Robes, Adept. Modified by Sonne.-Armor of Sonne, a custom armor set made up of an upper breastplate, rerebraces, couters, vambraces and gauntlets.-Order Toolbelt-Robotic Extra Limb-Order Halfmask, and Advanced RespiratorSkills:-Knowledge of the Ancients. Sonne is trained to identify ancient artifacts, and determine what they do.-Engineering Skills-Weaponsmith and Armorsmith Skills-Various other Sciency-related skills-A competent shot, by no means an expert.-Real good hand-to-hand fighterOptional:-Likes Oranges.-Will usually bring an SMG from the armory when on away missions-Has a robotic left leg, and left eye. The eye is usually covered by the mask. [/quote] And Accepted! If anybody is having trouble with History for their character sheets, let me or Skryte know.