Radan Undyer held his breath. It was something he always did before loosing an arrow, whether at a target dummy or at a piece of game. Radan himself had never killed a man before; despite his position in the military at Valania there was never any call for arms. Even after joining the Silver Leaves as recruit was he yet to kill a man. The furthest he had come to claiming a human life wasn't even really that close - it was this deer that was about to find itself part of a large collection of meat that fed the Silver Leaves. And thus it was true, as Radan let fly the projectile from his bow and took down the deer. He let out a deep sigh as he rose from his position, camouflaged by brush and sticks, a place he had been resting for a few hours since the early dawn. It was a rather tedious assignment he had been given: find food. The stocks in the kitchen were running low and the cooks had some sort of arrangement with the archery masters that required their students being sent to hunt game. It was most definitely a long shot from the glory that Radan had imagined as he set out from Valania to the Silver Leaves Bastion. The ranger set about preparing the dead foal for travel, using his knife and some rope to ensure ease of transport. Hoisting the the dead weight onto his back, Radan began his journey back to the Bastion. It would take a couple hours easily, especially since he bore extra weight on his back. Radan had to admit this wasn't the most glamorous assignment and position he had ever been given but if there was one thing he had ever learned when he was with his family it was this: nothing is given, it is earned. Radan's father, the current though old head of House Undyer, had seen to that when gifting a lash and a scar to Radan's face. The Silver Leaf recruit understood this from day one when he was accepted into the mercenary guild. He could tell the authority members were impressed by his archery and scouting abilities but like all members before Radan they were going to treat him as if he knew nothing. And really he didn't. He had never killed a man nor had he ever been sent on an actual scouting mission to gather intelligence about an enemy. But hopefully that was soon to change. As he closed in on the Bastion Radan thought of what surely seemed was an impending war with the Kingdom of Angren. They were a menacing foe, well equipped and well trained. It was clear to everyone their eyes were set on Egralia yet they did not move nor did they waver. For a nation known for their aggressive tactics they sure were patient and calculating. And Radan Undyer, a noble, was too. He knew that once war came it would be his time to prove himself. He wouldn't be overly ambitious or foolish, but he would show his commanding officers what he was capable of. It would be a much better life than what had been waiting for him back at Valania anyways. Radan sighed once more and shook his head at the thought of his home. A welcome distraction was brought he reached the gates of the Silver Leaves city. Allowed entry and also a few snickers from the veterans at his grunt work, Radan went straight to the castle mess hall. He dropped off his assignment and received a few grunts as thank you. Stretching his back, Radan decided this was a good time to grab something to eat before he became busy with training and various other assignments later in the day. Radan stopped at his barracks quickly to drop off his bow and bag, though kept his sword, and made his way to the Grilled Goose, a tavern with a very appropriate name. They served some of the finest meat that Radan had ever tasted. The door already open, Radan strode in and took a seat and requested a meal. He saw one of the brawlers and a few others but for the most part the building was only slightly populated. Hearing his stomach rumbling, Radan began to enjoy his meal.