[i]"Vi? What kind of name is that?" "Violet, Vi for short. Isn't that a nice name? Better than not having one, right?" "I'd rather not be named after my deformity, jerk." "It'll stick eventually, Vi."[/i] --- Jump City was bustling, a silver metropolis that hung close to the west coast and sang out with the roar of cars and people and buildings like a monster. It was much different from the greenery of the country side, as different as night and day. Back "home" the only noise would have been the cry of birds and the whir of technology, and she wouldn't have to be so worried about being struck by vehicles or receiving odd stares from civilians. Where she was once together with someone else and stranded in the middle of no where, now she was utterly alone, surrounded by cold hearts, tall buildings, and burning asphalt. The sun above shone brightly, warming Violet to an uncomfortable sweat as she attempted to find refugee under the shade of some of the buildings. "Who knew such a place could be hotter than home, even with all these buildings around!" Violet whispered to herself, pulling the black hood over her face further, shrouding her features in shadow. The color purple glowed from her free hand momentarily until she shoved it back into the hoodie pocket, intertwining it with the other hand that was already hidden within the woolen throw-over that was already much too big from the short girl. Many folks passed by the overly-dressed teen, sharing their confused gazes with one another over and over until Vi couldn't stand just standing and being viewed much longer. She took off for the next shaded already, beneath a overhanging, corner building simply titled "Pizza". She glanced about before taking a seat a few feet away from the door, curling her knees up into her chest as she let out an exhausted sigh. Violet had been on the move for at least two weeks now, jumping from town to town with only a hastily packed bag, twenty dollars (which was now down to five), and a deformity and power that reduced her chances of conversing with and befriending people. She was tired, hot, and terrified. Why did she leave, she didn't have to... All she did was... Hurt... [i]Him[/i]. Violet allowed her head to lower until her forehead was resting on her knees, mouth drawn into a tight line. It had been an accident, he made her angry, so angry. [i]He[/i] had no gloves, no protection from her hands.. And she just... The sound of a bell made the small girl freeze and glance up, finding that the door of the pizzeria seemed to ring when someone entered or left. More stares were given to the young girl, and an especially cold glare was being thrown her way from one of the employees inside. Violet pouted back in response, but slowly rose up and wandered to the left of the building, walking until she discovered a wall of the pizza place without a window to lean against. Cars rushed passed, gleaming colorfully in the sun, and Vi watched with bored eyes, hoping to forget her mistakes with each passing metal contraption. Vi eventually lost all interest in the flurry of rainbow machines passing by, instead turning her focus onto one of her now-free hands. Shades of purple swirled across her skin, producing a faint hiss. It had once been so much worse, her arms had almost been completely inhumane, just large, jagged appendages that only knew how to destroy. She had claws, and her skin was layered and almost crystalline, but [i]He[/i] had calmed it, and now it was just a deep stain on her tan skin. [i]He[/i] expressed his desire to help her control it, trained her a bit, but now she was alone. Yet, despite not having someone pestering her to control; it anymore, Vi still felt it her job to keep it in check and prepare it. Perhaps this taint could be used for good... But probably not. With one final sigh, Vi shoved her hand back into the hoodie pocket and lowered her head, allowing the shade of the buildings to keep her semi-cool as she sank deeper into her own thoughts, ignoring the bustle around her as she should have done a few hours before.