Ryan sighed to himself lightly as the person behind him commented about his hair. While it wasn't the craziest natural head of hair around, His pale skin, vivid blue eyes, and silver hair did make him stand out a bit more than other regular people. While he said nothing to the person behind him, he glanced at whoever was there just to see what they looked like, only to see that he looked like an average person. With a soft sigh, he made his order and sat down at one of the tables. As he sat there, he thought about his parents. They weren't happy with his decision to leave, but they understood why he had chosen to do so. He had done a little research beforehand, and his parents helped him get a somewhat inexpensive apartment in the coastal city, along with some money to get him started. He hoped that by the time he returned home, he'd be strong enough to not let any lives slip away from his grasp.