Athrun waited near the stage entrance before the signal when he asked Kira, “Has trying to get Sousuke to cooperate with your plan been difficult?” “I’m afraid that only begins to describe the situation. You managed to take care of three kids and I’m not sure how you managed it Athrun.” “Satomi and Logan came after we had Terra for a few years. Even now they’re still not of age to join the Orb military.” “And Orb still has intention of defending itself against any Actualizer attacks?” “We’ve done it before in the Clarent Incident. We’ll do it again if such extremes come around again.” Kira nodded regretfully when he considered the situation. “It’s only unfortunate that now we have to rely on a third species to permit a chance for Naturals and Coordinators to be at peace with one another.” “It wasn’t even supposed to be possible, but it is the case now. Either way we’ll both have our best efforts to handle what needs to be done for our children’s future.” Kira looked back up when he agreed, “Yes. We promised to see an end to war long ago. And we will fulfill it.” It was a few moments before the instrumentals for the ceremony had begun. It signaled Kira to motion his crewmen towards the Archangel and stand at attention in honor of a vessel whose time had finally come. Sousuke had removed what military uniform he had left when he changed into his white dance outfit encouraging, “We are about to begin! Let’s go out there and wow ‘em people!” One of the crew asked, “Trip you’ve got the effects board ready?” “As ever.” “Time to go then!” In front of the stage the crowd could hear the DJ greet, “So people you’ve managed to make your way down here because you wanted to get away from the dull it is outside? I mean what better way is there to progress time?” There was a short cheer from them before he continued, “Well let me give you something you’re not going to believe people. Celebrating the turn of this era of our timeline is a first performance you have to see to believe. So stay standing and let the vibes through you in the debut performance of the future Queen of Port Two. Ladies and gentlemen, Li Mei Hsu!” The crowd cheered when the Chinese girl greeted the crowd with her presence on the stage. There was a pop tempo that began for a few moments before the lighting effects began to dazzle the audience inside the club. Mei began to slowly dance and sing to the audience. [i]I look around and I see the stars Wondering how my love is so far I’m waiting here for it to come Being led by its tender thumb Against an empty void hungry for all I fear how much it has to crawl If I can’t feel my love again tonight The tears I shed to Death’s delight[/i] Sousuke entered the stage and began his piece of the song, [i]Here you see my shine so strong ‘Cause darling this is where I belong I promise you now everything will be all right So darling let us shine to stars so bright![/i] He sang this while both he and Mei began to move in closely to one another. Their embrace was a movement that only two lovers could share. The two began to sing the chorus together, [i]My love it goes across the stars Darling you my superstar I want to hold you in my arms Don’t even try to miss my charms[/i] Sousuke began to sing his part of the song, [i]Why should I try to leave when I have her here? To leave my Queen is a sin I overhear Against Death’s words I choose to fly From older pigs who won’t just die![/i] As the song continued inside, Ensign Bitalech found the place that she was dance club Sousuke had run into. “So this is the place. Who would think the Commander lets his kid get this far?” She made her way to the main entrance when the bouncer in front warned, “Hey back off lady. This place isn’t for military types.” The Ensign was irritated when she answered, “Ensign Meyryth Bitalech. I’m sorry sir but I’m afraid that this is an important matter that doesn’t warrant discussion.” “You think it doesn’t? I’ve got two – AH!” The bouncer fell down to his knee when Bitalech kicked him in the knees and ran into the dance club. Meyryth’s entrance wasn’t unnoticed when she made her way in and rushed towards the signal’s area where Sousuke was currently standing. Sousuke saw her and almost lost his grip on Mei when he saw another AERO uniform in front of him. The pop tempo only continued for a few seconds when the club members observed the AERO ensign before them. Meyryth looked up to Sousuke commanding, “Thought you could wander off that easily? Sorry to say it’s not that easy kid. You better be glad you’re not in the military yet. Now get down from there, you’re coming with me.” The ceremony began when the instrumental chorus signaling the beginning ended. On stage, Murrue Ramius stood alongside the forces of ZAFT, AERO and her Earth Alliance as she prepared to give her speech. “Citizens of Port Two, before us today marks a new chapter in the passing of this century and into the next. It was after a time of much sacrifice and hardship that we were capable of achi-“ Before she could continue her speech, the Actualizer attack had begun. Kira managed to force himself up when he looked around and saw Murrue heavily injured on the stage steps. “Admiral!” He One of the Terminus crew rushed up to the front when he pointed out, “We have infiltration of the colony! They’re firing towards the Archangel!” Kira managed to maintain his calm when he observed, “The Actualizers. They’ve arrived.” He turned to his crew ordering, “Terminus crew report to the nearest hangar!” “We’ve got this Commander. Just stay put.” “If worse has to come to worse…” Kira turned to the area of the shot when he asked, “Where is the Admiral?” Terzo reported, “Critically injured sir! We have to get her out of here!” “K…Kira…” Kira heard Murrue warn weakly as she was lifted onto a stretcher. Kira didn’t listen to what she had to say when he commanded, “Stay there Murrue. They’ll get you to safety.” “No!” Before the next shot hit the stage, Murrue managed to lift herself from the stretcher and push Kira away from the stage. The explosion had occurred near the Archangel again while the survivors were forced onto the ground to collect their senses. “A… Ah…” Kira looked up the stage remembering the Admiral’s warning. “Murrue!” He looked up and found it was too late for her. The Actualizers returned and had already claimed the life of another Earth Alliance leader. “Damnit… Not again… Not here of all places…” Terzo was among the injured who looked up to see the unfortunate had happened. His adoptive mother had been crushed by the debris of the stage. He tried to maintain his composure when he rushed towards Kira warning, “Commander! I don’t think we’ll be able to reach the Terminus in time at this rate!” Kira looked up to the Archangel when he ordered, “The emergency mobile suits are still loaded! Have the men prepare to do what you can to defend the civilians!” Terzo still had wounds in his voice when he agreed, “Yes sir!” Athrun rushed next to Kira when he asked, “You plan on using standard mobile suits to take out the Actualizers?” Kira shook his head when he answered, “Just to hold off against the Generics. We have to find out whose left to pilot the project.” Athrun realized the strategy and agreed, “Probably our last chance. I have to find Cagalli and Terra.” “Make sure to stay safe out there. Don’t die trying to find them.” Athrun nodded when he rushed off to find his family. The conflict occurring was so critical at the moment it was only then that Kira had realized the issues that Terzo was going through right now. The emergency defense was going to be desperate and it would be a time for more good men to die in the line of defending against the Actualizer Threat. He began to rush towards the Archangel when he ordered the crew rushing to the old ship, “Activate the emergency systems! We have to defend the civilians from harm!” With that order he prayed, “Sousuke. Stay safe out there.”