Next thing Jira noticed was the tinkling of bells. Curious, he looked down and moved to catch the fairy that bounced off his chest. She seemed to fly on her own just fine and moved on after giving him instructions on where to stand. He turned back to the group of people there and... cocked his head to the side. Whoa. Okay, a Sheikah, a Scarecrow and a hot albino girl. Who were these kooks? Clearly he was way less weird than any of these guys. But a humble merchant here to honor the request of a shadow being that saved his life. He approached where he last saw the shadow being, apparently called 'Magus' went, into the shadow of the albino girl. "Yo yo yo What up G? I came to the graveyard As you see. So What gives, what gives? I ain't here to watch the time Drip down the sieve." He peeked up at the albino girl he was near by. "Heya Miss, Don't mind me It's this fools choice on Where I be. Just gotta say Yer hella fine, I'd check ya out But I got a dame with hair of wine." He nodded to her and winked under his mask before turning his attention back to her shadow.