Master Jamie let out a frustrated yell, "Why? You ask why, after you've murdered a whole island? You've made an enemy out of Phoenix Wing today!" She said, "Wave magic!" The negating force of her magic swept out in front of her, as he tried to stop the magic that was fueling the remaining skeletons, and any other magic being used near Master Jamie "And what's more, you use the dead to do it!" She hissed, beyond angry. She moved towards the ship, in careful, deliberate steps, showing no emotion, no fear, and merely walked determinedly as if he was going to grab the ship and tear it apart. she gathered all her remaining magical energy, preparing for attack, and preparing to defend herself. "You didn't have to kill the people. You didn't have to do them any damage. But you did. And that makes you monsters" ---- Sasha nodded, and got her horse moving in a fast pace. She drove the horse hard and fast, but did stop every so often to rest the horse. There was a map in Sasha's head, having spent painful hours drawing her own maps so she could understand them, and she followed the right path. When they reached the shore, it seemed to Sasha that they were so close, yet so far, an ocean away, to Aroway island and she let out a frustrated little sigh. She looked about, but any boats were out to sea already. She bit her lip, thinking on what she could do. She hesitated, walking to the water, after tying up her horse, and knelt. "Ice Make: Floor" She said softly, watching as ice seemed to coat the water, enough for them to walk on it single file. She tested it, and it didn't break. She let out a whopping laugh, starting to walk on it. Every few meters, she had to stop and create more ice. She looked back to make sure Angelo was following, knowing the water would eat through the ice quickly.