Nolan hrmed, taking his eye off his scope briefly, and tapped his radio, "Ground Team, this is the Angels on your shoulders. Be advised. Inside those walls, we can't provide long range support. You're on your own. We'll continue to pick off targets of oppurtunity outside the fort walls." He patted Andrew on the shoulder, "Ground team is out of sight. Let's do what we can from here. We still have work to do." ----- Victor planted himself in the middle of one half of the courtyard. He unleashed a hail of grenades, shreding anyone who tried to step up on his position. He grinned broadly, honestly looking forward to later, "I'm quite interested in what happens then my dear." He turned unsheathing one of his shotguns and gunning down some soldiers who tried to rush him. He chuckled loudly, slotting the shotty away smoothly, and continuing to fire with his GMG. He laughed darkly, "We are the grim bloody fables that you've heard of in your darkest dreams! We survived Brussels, survived your amazon giantess! We have survived more then you can ever imagine! Come at me you bastards!" He continued to fire angrily. Elsewhere Carl blindfired around a corner. Taking a moment to check the corner. He looked over at Ross, then looked towards the guardhouse. "Gotcha! I see it!" Carl let his LMG swing, and grabbed his shotgun off his shoulder. He swung into the room moments behind Ross. He scanned the room then followed his partner up the stairway. Reaching the top he body checked a man to the ground, putting some flechette ammo into the man's chest. Ripping a gruesome hole in him. He turned and started to pump rounds down the top of the walls. Men ducking to avoid the long rifle shots, were absolutely shreded by the dart rounds from his shotgun. He started down the walls, "We got this." He proceeded down the walls, heading for one of the redoubts "I've got this one." He stepped out onto the circular fortification, a cache of IGLA launchers leaning against the walls. He motioned to Ross, "Go. I got this one." He tossed a C4 stick among the launchers, then followed after Ross, as he went he clicked the detonator, part of the wall and the launchers going up in a ball of flame and cooking off ammo.