Daryna was finishing an energy drink when she heard the firefight in the docking bay. Daryna was nowhere near that particular area; rather she was at the heart of the Cartagena marketplace. She assumed that the ship had landed. Then again, it could just be a run of the mill batarian shootout. Still, Daryna had settled on a plan she was rather fond of, mostly because it involved excessive use of her biotics. She planned to infiltrate the ship and prevent the captain from calling for help, but call her a frog's uncle if technology hadn't beat her to the punch. [i]If only Dominate would work on a computer... think of all the vids I could download for free...[/i] Daryna stood up and turned away from the bar. The people of Cartagena Station were still going about their daily business, but several were looking around, wondering what was going on. Most of C-Pat had scurried away to the docking bay, creating a whole big mess of trouble for Daryna's new allies. "If any rogue cops with hearts of gold think about crashing your party," Daryna had informed the group over omni-tool before the ship landed, "I'll draw them away from the dock. Good luck down there." Daryna cracked her knuckles and smiled. "Riot time," she declared. She saw a pawn shop nearby with jewelry in the windows. That would make a good start. She focused on a passing batarian and watched as he raised his pistol and shot out the shop's window, then dove into the store to begin looting. She released control of him, only to see him continue looting. That was, Daryna always thought, the most interesting part of Dominate. The power of suggestion. The batarian thought he was looting the store, and he wanted to loot the store. Soon, several batarians were firing their guns into the air, into store windows, and looting shops... most of which was Daryna's doing. She made two krogan butt heads in the middle of the walkway, a hanar carry a salarian away, and an asari take off her top and run through the street. And for the coup de grĂ¢ce, she spotted a fuel container next to the bar's generator. She focused her mind as she made a nearby batarian raise his arm and pull the trigger. A sufficiently large explosion engulfed the marketplace; not big enough to do any real damage, but big enough to draw attention away from the docks. Just as she imaged, C-Pat began pouring in to the scene. She had one of the looters (they were doing just fine on their own, now) fire a shot at one of the cops' chestplates. His shields deflected it, but it did freak him out enough to call for backup, and lots of it. There had to be at least thirty citizens looting ten different shops, now. C-Pat was pouring in in force. Daryna, meanwhile, had all but collapsed in a nearby corner, watching her work unfold. The biotics had left her tired, and hungry, but she knew her limits, and how to work around them. Making one krogan last an hour in a shootout or go beserk may have taken more power, but it would also have been less effective a distraction. Thirty tiny tremors that lead to an avalanche is much preferred. Work smarter, not harder. If she didn't learn that lesson from her father then they didn't learn any. "This is for you, dad," Daryna whispered to herself as she watched C-Pat unleash rubber bullets on the rioters and try to stop the fires. "May not seem like it now, but I'm coming to get you. Promise."