[b]Name:[/b] Shivian Edgebolt [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b][url=http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/114091/Bishi-swordsman.jpg]Appearance[/url][/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Shivian is a man of few words. The most he will usually says is to correct those who mistake him as a woman, due to his long hair, at which point he will simply explain that his physical design is very much masculine, with the exception of his beautiful hair. He's not one to get angry often, and seems to have no interest in romance. He is often calm in the midst of battle, sometimes even appearing laid-back. He moves with a serene grace in battle that seems very much like he is dancing. [b]Class:[/b] Myrmidon [b]Stats:[/b] [indent]HP - 20 Str - 6 Mag - 1 Skl - 7 Spd - 8 Luk - 4 Def - 4 Res - 3[/indent] [b]Armor Type:[/b] None [b]Shield:[/b] None [b]Affinity:[/b] Thunder [b]Weapon Levels:[/b] [indent]Sword - E Dagger - E[/indent] [b]Abilities:[/b] [indent][i]Adept[/i] [i]Danger Reflex[/i][/indent] [b]Inventory:[/b] [indent]Slim Sword Slim Sword Vulnerary[/indent] [hider=History] Shivian is a wandering swordsman who tells no one where he is from. Of course, that's partially because he's an amnesiac who remembers nothing earlier than when he was twenty. Or, at least he thinks he was twenty. He really remembers little about his past, but it may be best to start with what he does remember. Shivian awoke one day, his head uncomfortably positioned on a rock, with a splitting headache. A few feet from him lay a bloodied sword which fit the sheathe on his belt perfectly, and all around him were the bodies of burly ruffians, all slain, likely by Shivian's blade. Though he remembered nothing, not even his own name, Shivian deduced that he had been attacked by bandits, and had, as a result of the fight, had fallen and hit his head on the rock. He thought the mistake clumsy, and vowed to become a better swordsman, so he began walking. What else could he do? While he walked in search of a teacher, he devised the name Shivian Edgebolt. It had a nice ring to it, or at least it did to him. Therefore he had something to tell others about himself. Apparently he was at least a decent swordsman if he was capable of defeating that many bandits, and so that was something else. Surely someone somewhere would be willing to teach him. And so a few were, but Shivian never stayed with them for long, learning the basics of their ways and moving on, formulating and creating his own fluid style of fighting. And that was that. He thought he had no other purpose than to create the ultimate style of swordplay. Seemed a simple enough destiny, right? And so his destiny led him to the camp of the Greywood company to see if they had skills that he could use.[/hider]