The hornet user watched the interaction between Izari and Yakoul. The scorpion tailed hornet settled on her head, nestled carefully amongst her hair. The fire starter, called the Inferno Wasp--a gross misunderstanding between the wasp and hornet notwithstanding. Ah well, she didn't name the species--settled on her right shoulder, awaiting directions. The Mantis Hornet landed on the table, seemingly satisfied with its handiwork on Yakoul's person. Remi leaned her head on her hand, elbow perched on the table to keep her upright. "Mm, that is true. What attracts you to dead bodies, Yakoul? Why not live ones? You don't even rape living captives unless it is to just...hear them scream." she taps her fingers on the table. "I was not aware that the idea of sleeping with me was...disgusting." her tone was as dry as ever. "Is it the hornets? Or, is it that I am not as quick witted as you?" she asked in curiosity. While body language was mostly on the girl, voice tones, pitch and volume usually told her all she needed to know. She wasn't the interrogator that Ra was, but her experiments and breeding did require test subjects. She wasn't malicious by nature, but her life experiences and lack of empathy often made her come across as jaded and uncaring. This was one of those times: a rare look at the rumored prodigy of genetic research. While the Empire had its resident expert on flora of various sorts, Remi was the same for most fauna. "Mm...speaking of which, Izari." she looked at the man, eyes oddly intense as she stared him in his eyes. "I request a sample of your summon. I seek to harness that bloodthirst found within its genetic structure. At the very least, I'd like to test for elevated aggression. Have you heard of the Sunafied (Read: Africanized) Honey Bees?"