The arachnid continued unhindered by the measly attacks by the elf and continued moving. It's glowing red eyes moved around in an almost janky manner. It then lifted its two front legs to reveal drills which were used to start break apart the streets. [url=]defense[/url] Meanwhile the angels were completely hapless as they were unceremoniously destroyed before even getting a chance to attack. One by one they just fell to the ground in pieces from straight from the air. [url=]getting rekt[/url] Each explosion causing the spider's eyes to dart back and forth at its compatriots demise. It then stopped and a strange whirring sound as its back popped out and exposed a tail. Which revealed it was no ordinary robot spider but a robotic scorpion! It also fired a much thicker laser beam at Hikaru almost in annoyance that its minions were gone. [url=]Pew pew[/url]