[quote=Primal Conundrum] This looks like it might need to stay on ice a bit longer than I intended- enough things have started suddenly happening IRL for me that I don't have enough reliability to run an RP right now. Long story short, I'm suddenly finding out that I have a relatively short time to pack up my life for a relatively long trip to move to the other side of the country. As much as I really like these characters that I'm seeing here and I want to RP with all of them, I don't feel that I could do an acceptable job running the RP right now.If you guys are still interested when my life calms down in several weeks, I'm hoping to get this or at least a similar RP going again- I'll probably work with a couple of you (Steel Fist and SyrianHamster, looking at you two) to make a more clearly defined world so that we avoid some of the hiccups that we ran into this time. I've only ever really run RP stuff in real life at a table with dice, so I'm not all that great at doing it on a forum- that's probably really obvious to everyone right now.Now, one alternative, and one I'd be happy to try to help with in any way I can, is if someone else decided to run this thing. Let's be honest, the world pretty well doesn't exist outside of what SyrianHamster has come up with, so that leaves a lot of room for creativity. I'd be happy to help with world design and coming up with story stuff, I just lack the amount of time required to guide a forum RP along any sort of a story arc.So... that's all I have to say, I guess. I'm sorry about this, and assuming that nobody wants to just randomly pick up running an RP that they never set out to create, I hope I can get this going for you all in a few weeks! [/quote] That's a shame, but thanks for coming out and laying things on the table for us. We've come a long way with this thing, at the very worst I'll just archive the character sheets and plot, then we could revisit it another time. [quote=Steel fist] Well, I lack of time to GM it, but if SyrianHamster would like to be a GM, I'll cooperate :) [/quote] Son, I'm GMing 2 already, am part of 1, with an interest thread floating in the void garnering support. I just don't know. Hell with it, GMing an RP of this style doesn't require much actual GMing, I don't think. So let's have a look at what we got, and see what direction this fellah is going to go in. So we'll keep the starting in a dungeon idea, forcing the characters from all walks of life to work together to escape. That's an awesome idea, time tested and solid. Now, with the sandbox idea, I think I'll go on to create some loose form of a story - just to make our characters move. For example, they're all considered (wrongly or rightly) fugitives of Eblistan, and will need to escape the country before they are captured. Hmhmhmmhmhhmm.... I tell y'all what, I'll go away with what we have so far, and release a "Community Revived" version, with credits going to Primal for its original conception. Stay tuned on here, as I'll post the links for when the thing is up. We'll most likely have to go through the same process, after I have released my modified version, i.e interest thread, OOC, then IC. Though the process will be quicker, I am a GM known for his efficiency in getting things moving. I'm going to need at least 24 hours to get the ball rolling on this though, I'm a busy man, but never too busy to rekindle good ideas. EDIT: Primal, if you simply wish to have a character in the Community Revived version, you would be most welcome. I'll feel bad if you're not part of it in at least some way.