Aurelia was, to say the least, surprised that Evvie had managed to dodge her attack to such a degree. It only strafed her, giving her a tiny burn on the back of her neck and some singed hair, but nothing that could be felt. [i]If small attacks aren't going to cut it...[/i] She jumped back once, then twice, making some distance between them and dodging the flaming breath sent her way at the same time, though not without singing her cloak badly. Once there, she took her scythe in both of hands and started to gather power in it. She knew it would take a few moments, maybe a minute, to get what she needed, but if she could just stay out of harm's way for long enough then it wouldn't matter where that Dragonness was or how tough she was. She smiled grimly from beneath her hood, watching with wary eyes for whatever Evvie's next move would be.