[quote=Schradinger] Before I get to work on updating the cyrodiil NS tomorrow, how big exactly is an acceptable number for the imperial legion? I was originally going to base it off the size of roman legions, but that would put the total numbers of all 18 legions at around 100,000 troops. Judging by gcolds latest post and his mention of an invading force numbering in the thousands and being exceedingly powerful, I get the impression that that number is a little high. [/quote] Well Demographics should help allot, as it stands Cyrodiil's estimated strength (using the general rule of thumb of 0.5% of the population recruited into the army) would be around the sum total of 51,936 or so troops under ideal conditions. This takes into account geography and economy. But does not account for losses and damage to infrastructure from the great war. However that is recruiting solely from Cyrodiil, I'm sure a census is also taken from High Rocks population as well. Which would put the legions total strength, without causing massive economical disaster, in the realm of... roughly 78,101 to be split between the legions. You could easily round that off at 80,000 but that's what I estimated, beats the living hell out of every other province that's for sure.