Before Sousuke could protest to the Ensign below him everyone in the dance club felt tremors and trembled to the ground. There were screams and realizations of fear flooding the club when the civilians inside scrambled for safety. Sousuke looked up shouting, “Mei! Wait up!” Mei was being taken along with the others behind the stage when she protested, “Sousuke!” Meyryth didn’t listen to Sousuke’s plea when she commanded, “Sorry kid, we have to make it out of here double time now!” Sousuke struggled against her grip when he said, “No way! You can’t make me!” In a last act of desperation she placed her pistol to his head warning, “I’m willing to take the Commander’s shit kid. Now get a move on!” Feeling the fear escalate in the moment Sousuke was much easier to drag along out of the club. The members of the club were making their way towards the safety bunkers when one girl in the crowd warned, “We’ve got to get out of here!” Trip observed the “Oh shit this place is going to break apart in no time!” One of the teens following him reminded them, “We can’t leave! We just can’t! We have to get Sousuke out of here!” Trip turned to him when he reminded, “Sorry dude we’ve got to let him out there. His old man’s a soldier. He’s safe.” Mei protested to the “My Sousuke isn’t safe with us though! How will we know?!” Trip grasped her hand when he moved to the bunker area, “Right now we have to hope for the best princess! We can’t do much else!” Mei ran with the others as she cried at the parting when she prayed, “Please be safe Sousuke. Please come back to me.” Kira was at the head of the Archangel controls when the emergency systems were activated. One of the midshipman observed the power levels of the ship, “The Archangel still has some punch in her. Was this part of the plan all along?” Kira confirmed the observation, “The Alliance was right in being worried about a possible Actualizer attack. We had to prepare for situations like these.” He turned to Terzo when he asked, “What is our status with the pilot candidates?” Terzo overlooked the crew still alive and the mobile suits within the hangar when he reported, “We can’t select anyone at this rate Commander. We’ve lost them in the blast and we don’t have enough pilots to launch all the Alliance mobile suits.” One of the operators warned of the incoming Actualizer and Generic units, “We have enemy units building outside! They’re headed for our location!” Kira quickly turned to order, “Activate all emergency systems. We have to defend ourselves.” One of the operators was verbally shaken when he asked, “Will it be enough sir? We have casualties building by the minute.” Kira remained near the door of the command bridge when he confirmed, “It has to be. Right now the only luxury we have is hoping that Terra can reach her Gundam in time.” Meyryth continued to lead Sousuke towards the Archangel before he demanded, “Damn it lady stop doing this!” Meyryth pressed the gun further to his head when she asked, “Why? Do you plan on running the other way as soon as I let you go? Sorry if you have a death wish kid but I’m under orders.” Several explosions ignited when they reached the ship before she was near the ship opening. “Get in there!” With a final push the two made their way into the Archangel and prayed for safety. It was a short time before Sousuke saw Kira at the head of the Archangel when he observed, “Dad.” He found more of his anger when he asked, “What the hell is going on out there?!” Kira had concern over his face when he explained, “I’m sorry it had to come to this Sousuke. But the Actualizers have arrived.” “And what are we supposed to do about it? Isn’t it your job to destroy them?” “That’s what we’ve been prepared for. Follow me. Lieutenant Terzo, remain here.” “Yes sir.” As the three made their way to the hangar bay they saw the lone mobile suit that had not taken off to join the battle. Sousuke was shaken when he saw the mobile suit asking, “Dad… What the hell is that?” Kira introduced the machine, “The Centennial. The highest accomplishment of Gundam development. Our greatest hope of facing the Actualizers.” Sousuke’s fear only lasted for a brief period when he asked, “What do you need me to see this for?” “To only ask you for this favor Sousuke. I want you to pilot it.” Sousuke turned to his father when he asked out of fear, “Me?! But… But I’ve never even been in the training program before!” Kira confirmed the problem when he answered, “I didn’t want to see you enlist at this age either Sousuke. But we’re short on options. The system is still even now under research but we have found that it will respond to Coordinator reflexes better than Natural.” Kira paused for a moment before he explained further, “The fact is Sousuke that we all knew this day would come. As much as I hoped to prepare you for it we’re in the midst of a storm. You’re the best hope for an optional pilot. I promise I’ll only assign you with your consent.” Sousuke didn’t find the words come at first when he tried to answer, “Q… Wh…” It was a few moments later he found the will to shout, “Quit with the act dad! Stop trying to make me something I’m not!” Kira maintained his calm when he told him, “The Actualizer threat has been real before you were even born Sousuke. This is not an act.” Sousuke was still undeterred when he denied, “Stop it! I don’t care if it’s real! I’m not a soldier! I’m not piloting that thing!” “I understand Sousuke. It’s you choice alone.” Kira turned to the Centennial when he ordered to Meyryth, “Prepare the Centennial. We’re about to have a launch.” Meyryth had been containing her anger at Sousuke for the period but found it dissipating when he she tried to confirm, “Y… Yes sir.” Sousuke had the same concern when he asked, “Dad what are you doing?” Kira moved forward to the Gundam when he explained, “I’ve been a pilot for a long time. I should be able to handle it.” Sousuke gave a final denial when he warned, “Alright try and guilt me! I’m not going out there!” Terzo grasped a nearby panel when he asked, “The Commander is heading out himself?!” Meyryth reported to the bridge, “The one and only. Get the Centennial primed and ready for launch.” The motion was confirmed when Kira could be heard from the cockpit of the Centennial, “This is Commander Yamato reporting. Preparing to engage in close range combat. Captain Enran has the bridge until I return.” Terzo shook his head at the responsibility being forced on him this day, “And here I hoped this order would never be given.” He still managed to answer the call when he commanded to the operators alongside him, “Open the hangar bay doors and prepare for launch. Maintain forward defenses.” One of the operators confirmed the progress reporting, “Archangel bay doors opening. All personnel clear the launch strips.” Kira gave final confirmation when he announced, “Kira Yamato. Gundam Centennial. Taking off!” The Centennial Gundam launched forward towards the Actualizers and had its blades prepared for combat. The new Gundam had begun to make its way towards the area of the Astray when Kira warned, “Athrun behind you!” Before the Astray could turn around the Centennial made a sweep through the squad of Generic units before they could attack Athrun from behind. Kira warned his ally, “The Actualizers are trying to make their way to the colony’s center. Finish up what you can around here, I’ll need some assistance.” Having seen his wife and adopted daughter safe Athrun agreed, “Got it. These Generics won’t be a problem. The ZAFT reinforcements will provide assistance.” Kira turned his attention to communicate with the nearby ZAFT signals, “Attention ZAFT units. Engage and contain the enemy. Do everything possible to force them out of the colony.” The motions were enough for Kira to endure when he continued to make his way through the Generic units. The Gundam managed to be enough for him to endure at his age as it swept through at an unimaginable speed. It wasn’t long before he was close to gaining up behind the Actualizer mobile suits. He keyed in the program on his panel when he commanded, “Growth System activate!” It was another moment before Kira felt the SEED within him burst and felt his sense sharpen like that of his youth. He continued to move in towards the enemy units when he warned, “You want trouble, come and get it!”