[b]Name:[/b] Adrianna [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Race:[/b] Elf (+2 Magic +2 Speed) [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearnace][img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/polls/776000/776439_1310908242866_full.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Quite contrary to the stigma that all 'dark' mages are hex touting demon worshipers who take pleasure in the suffering of others and spend their time muttering to themselves darkly, Adrianna is a fountain of bubbly joy and excitement. A bright eyed idealist who sees the world at large as her oyster. The amount of energy she exudes can be quite sickening at times, but her good nature and natural moral makes her an excellent addition to the company. She isn't without fault however. She's quite avaricious, the peddler in her blood still quite strong. In fact, she only joined the company in the hopes of making her fortune by selling her spells out to the highest bidder. In combat, she's arrogant. Taunting her opponents and flaunting her magical skills, often leading her to danger when she messes up a particular incantation. [b]Class:[/b] Dark Mage [b]Stats:[/b] HP - 20 Str - 0 Mag - 10 (8) Skl - 5 Spd - 6 (4) Lck - 3 Def - 7 (5) Res - 5 [b]Armor Type:[/b] Medium: +2 Def, 5 Mov [b]Shields: [/b]None [b]Mount:[/b] None [b]Affinity:[/b] Dark [b]Weapon Skill:[/b] Daggers: E Dark Magic: E [b]Feats/Abilities:[/b] Deep Reserves; Magic Flare; [b]History:[/b]