[b]Name:[/b] Cassandra Clearwater [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Short, messy black hair that always, inexplicably, makes her look like she just woke up 10 minutes ago (she probably did). Her eyes have mastered that "mild hangover" gaze, which is probably the [i]only[/i] thing she mastered at university. She wears a huge, brown-and-red patterned poncho, which does absolutely nothing to cover up all the belts/pouches/fanny packs with which she carries a bunch of very sharp (and very cheap-looking) crap. Even the broadsword (err, most of it) is sheathed beneath the ragged fabric. Note that most of that crap isn't battle-worthy, or necessarily [i]supposed[/i] to be used for battle, although those are two very distinct categories in Cass's mind. Most of it is scrapmetal or junk she's trying to pawn off. [b]Profession:[/b] Peddler. Claims that she'll be the first theoretical magicist in the world, once it realizes how [i]totally great[/i] that would be. [b]Personality:[/b] Normally she's the obnoxious, standoffish deadpan snarker one would expect a disgruntled college student to be. She throws that all out the window the second there's something interesting to talk or fight about, though. She's an investigator at heart - if she doesn't understand something, she'll make sure to fix that. [b]Equipment/Weapons:[/b] Obviously she's got the broadsword, which is (a) very lethal and (b) very heavy. She's not very good with it; she's a skinny, nerdy college student. But she can swing it around and stuff, I dunno, leave her alone. She's got a couple of metal scraps that work well as knives, and also a few real knives, because the only thing better than an inventory of crap it's an inventory of crap ... that protects itself. She also louts around a duffel-bag for anything she finds that is actually worth their weight, like mechanical parts and rarer materials, which in a pinch she can always just throw at someone. [b]Abilities:[/b] Magic. Mostly. See below. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Book smart, street dumb. Went to a magical university in the suburbs. Got kicked out a semester later, somewhat because she didn't care about most classes but also because of an unfortunate casserole incident. She was (is) also terrible at magic, that was part of it. Good at the theory, bad at the actual use. She's trying to scrape out a living peddling in the streets now, which has helped with the "street dumb" aspect a [i]little[/i] bit. Her focal interest, however, remains on magic. She's figured out how to get it to work for her. In theory. --- [b]Magic Name:[/b] Velocity Magic [b]Magic Description:[/b] So, when a magician, say, lobs a fireball. There's the actual [i]summoning[/i] of the fire, but then there's the actual "move over there and crisp that guy" step. Cass can't do the first bit for crap (not consistently - or safely, at least). But she's figuring out how to [i]only[/i] do the second bit instead, effectively creating a magical propulsion system. You know how in Mario Kart there are little rainbow triangles that inexplicably make your kart go faster? She makes those. She's a Boost Mage. The actual rune created on the ground (which, yes, pretty much looks like a triangle) affects a certain space above it; the size of the space and how much force it creates depends on the ability of the caster. As of now, Cass can shoot objects of up to 150 lbs about ten-fifteen yards at pretty decent speeds (say 40 mph for the smaller stuff). Eventually, it should be [i]theoretically[/i] possible to create a rune that effects whatever it is put [i]on[/i] (at least, until the magic wears out). Cass is still working on that.