[quote=Steel fist] Hamster, I still didn't finish to read everything, but it's obvious you've done great work! I'm most certainly interested!I will send a CS during the weekend :)About anti-god-modding policy, I agree with it. But of course we'll need to decide what would be the limitations on abilities like: regeneration and on advanced armor.P.S. What's old? (I'm 30, how old are you?) [/quote] You're in a coma, that's how old you are in relation to me. Hahaha, but nah I'm a steady 25. Damn, YOU OLD. I find God modding monitoring is usually done most effectively by the players as a whole. If the GM has to play Mr. Policeman over powers, it can cause problems as people start to perceive false favouritism or bias. I think if we just all keep an eye on everyone else's comings and goings, and bring forwards our concerns as we go, then we'll be okay. Of course I will vet character entries, and bring any grey areas forwards for democratic opinion, but as far as IC actions go, we'll have to go with the majority opinion. I mean, regeneration is not a problem to me; that liquid terminator could regenerate, didn't do him a lot of good in the end though did it? I believe that a character can be as powerful as it wants to be, but only if it matches this power equally with weakness. An example would be a huge hulking barbarian, who can sustain many hits and pull people's arms off - but he is slow, and can't use magic so well. Or a mage, whose power is absolute in spell craft, but hasn't got the means of stopping a crossbow bolt from sailing into his face. It's a bit of balancing act, but people are usually reasonable and I only really get on their case if I sense a "winner" in our ranks. A winner being someone who wants to, for some fucked up reason, WIN the Rp. As if it's a computer game. These people bear the brunt of my GTFO policy. We're all agreed that an RP is a story composed of several authors, right? Sometimes on this forum I wonder if my understanding is outdated lol.