Walking through the streets of Jump City, a rather tall figure slowly glided across the sidewalk. It didn't seem notice the odd looks coming its way, as only one thing was on its mind at the time. The blue armor that he wore was oddly feminine, although he was called a man by the human that he protected. There was only one gender in his species, and he honestly had no need to care about his gender. The only thing he cared about what the little girl that he watched over, and she was the reason he was in public in the first place. He had found out a few months ago that her human body did not fully accept the sustenance that he used to stay alive, and her body would only take a few nutrients from the food instead of all of them. He had been taking care of her for a little more than a year before he found that out, and he decided that he needed to get her food that was served on her planet, rather than created unnaturally like the 'food' that he ran on. Turning to a random human, he looked at the man straight in the eyes and gave out no expression as he spoke softly. "Human. I require a small portion of food. Please tell me where I can find somewhere that can serve food in small portions." The man that he was talking to stopped imediately and listened to the tall... man. The being didn't seem to be evil, but he was still somewhat afraid of the thing that he knew wasn't human. He pointed down the street and ran off, afraid to be around the somehow intimidating alien. Said alien simply looked in the direction that he was pointing in and began to walk to a restaurant that had the word "PIZZA" on the front. For as long as he had been on earth, he had taken to noticing that humans had several different ways of pronouncing things that were spelled the way. He assumed that it was a regional dialect thing, and didn't bother to look more into it. Walking to the Pizza joint, the tall figure was forced to bend slightly over in order to get through the doors, but was able to stand back up with about an inch of space between the top of his helmet and the ceiling. Passing the line completely and moving straight to the counter, the alien looked at one of the people at the cash register and spoke in the same soft and calm voice as before. "Human. I require a small portion of your 'Pizza.' I have a sufficient amount of currency to pay for it, and would be pleased if it were to be brought to me in the quickest time allowable." "Um, Hey! There are people in line, so you have to go to the back and wait!" One person called out from behind the tall man, causing him to turn and look at the one who was talking to him. His calm face suddenly turned into a heart stopping glare as he walked over to him. When he spoke this time, his voice as a cold edge to it that stuck fear into the person who spoke out against him. "I require the food NOW. If you chose to get in my way while I carry out my task, I will have no choice but to take action." His cold voice seemed to affected the man as he took a small step away from the armored alien.