For a good while, the big sleepy vampire enjoyed thumb sucking, cuddling and actually sleeping...but...deep in the middle of his sleep, he felt like he was being lightly poked and nudged awake, something tickling his side. Loosening his hold, Karl scooted up into a sitting position, rubbing the sleep from his eyes in a tired manner with the back of his hands, yawning widely. "Mmmm...what do, need?" Muttering half asleep, his eyes weren't open yet, he turned to Callum, "Why, mmm...why were you poking me...?" Pausing for a moment, he scratching his side before turning slightly to Eika, eyes still very much closed in a half-sleep manner, " were...nudging me too...?" Stretching his arms out a bit, Karl let out a yawn before giving them both a goofy smile, blinking his tired eyes.