'[i]No I can't say I know of your world, simply of the dead who come from there.'[/i] Alexis said smiling. She had stopped looking to Judah to do something and decided to converse with the alien girl. Before any of that could happen, however, the doors swung open and a man, maybe, walked in, taller than almost every human Judah had ever seen walked through. The shock alone caused Judah to jump and drop the menu and throw Nicola out of the booth. The thing walked to the counter, with a look of death glaring at a customer. "Sh..Should I-we help? He seems big... can we take him?" Judah asked Nicola. [i]'Judah no, we'll take care of it, Nicola and you would be too destructive. We need to take care of this the right way, and the being itself doesn't seem evil, he just doesn't understand.'[/i] Alexis said, shoving her way over to Judah. [i]'If we can just get him away from here we can calm him down. We don't need to hurt anyone until they've hurt someone else. Choose me!'[/i] Alexis glanced to Judah. She was tired of waiting and nearly demanded he chose her to fight with. Judah looked to Nicola, who was eyeing the stranger. [i]'I say we throw him through a wall and teach him some manners. Big jerk needs to know that only we do the shoving around here. And hey, I haven't tasted alien blood yet. Give me a chance, let's go.[/i]' Nicola said, never looking to Judah, licking her lips and digging her claws into the booth. Had the been able to damage anything, there would be chaos everywhere. Luckily she was intangible. "Alexis when I say so, let's go." He whispered, careful to not let anyone hear other than this silver girl in the rags. He watched the thing at the counter through the only reflective surface, the chest of the Alien at her table. Hopefully she won't mind.