[quote=SyrianHamster] Right, let's get this life carrier issue out of the way. For the sake of pleasing your beloved GM, could we just leave the water purification equipment as a requirement to repair? I mean, we have floating air ships, it stands to reason that we could have a bit of leeway on steam engine logic. Perhaps we could put it down to the generator being unequal to the task, and that every little helps? Getting the thing off the ground will be nothing short of an engineering miracle, but hoorah away we go?Otherwise I'll have to allow Grothnor the thing from the get go- which I'm happy to do, so long as everyone else is okay with the idea. [/quote] How does this sound: since I don't have the high enough quality water for a steam generator, my Life Carrier can only travel so far (say, 5 regions) before having to stop to clear the system of gunk and replace the water, a process that would take several hours, as opposed to the high quality water which would allow me to travel to any destination on one stop.