Mason watched the monster in front of her shatter into pieces. A screen popped up in front of her [center][b]Congradulations! Exp 10203 Col 10486 Items None[/b][/center] She sighed and wiped her face with the back of her armor. [i]Still so much exp to gain till my next level...[/i] She thought as she sat against a wall to take a short breather. [i]How long has it been since Dime died? Three, four months. Gods it still seems like yesterday. And here I am a childish fool for leaving the guild where I had real friends not just people wanting to be my friend because I'm powerful. Maybe it's time to move on...[/i] She thought, her guild was getting too crowded for her just like Immortalis was those few months ago. [i]I wonder if Sebastian is still alive...[/i] She thought looking down at the ground and letting her now short choppy black hair cover her face.