[img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111211202124/grimm/images/thumb/e/ef/Nick_Thurston.jpg/500px-Nick_Thurston.jpg] Name: Anthony Eckert "Tony" Age: 24 Occupation: Beach Lifeguard, Part Time Bartender, and wannabe pro surfer. Personality: (reveled in IC) Bio: Tony is, for the most part, a pretty normal guy, minus the fact he sees freaky looking things, that no one else can... Tony was raised by a single mom named Hilary; his father left before he was even born. Being without his father didn't bring him and his mother close, like in many cases, because even though he loved her, he resented her for always taking off with random boyfriends and leaving him to fend for himself, for days on end. He learned from a very early age that no one else could see what he could, and he was pretty sure he was crazy, and it was all hallucinations. Though his mother would always try to reassure him that he was not crazy, and she would tell him about her grandmother, who had told her stories as a young girl, about things called Shades, and that every few generations people in there family were born with a gift to see these Shade creatures. These tales and stories, didn't really help him feel normal, or happy. So he learned to ignore and pretend he couldn't see 'Shades'. When he was thirteen his mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, and he was her caretaker for the next two years until she died. He felt completely alone in the world. Being only fifteen the state placed him in short term foster care until the could find a family member to take him in. Three weeks later he met his Aunt Sue for the first time. He remembered his mother saying she had a older sister a few times, That Sue was from her fathers first marriage and she was ten years older then her. But that was basically it. So he moved to California to live with her. He had thought his aunt was one of those spinster, cat ladies that you hear about, Her house was cluttered with collectible teacups, and porcelain figurines, she had six cats who were all named after famous poets. And she spent most of her time sewing quilts, doing jigsaw puzzles, and watching soap operas on tv. But Tony got to know his aunt better as time passed. She had been married once, to a man named Ross, and they had two children together. Tragically they all died in a house fire 17 years ago, and then she became a shut in. She was a kind woman, and let Tony do as he pleased, as long as he was home before ten, and didn't fail any classes in school. Life went on he made friends in school, got a girlfriend, and learned to surf. And finally he was eighteen and graduating high school. His Aunt offered to pay for college but he just wanted to start his own adult life. So he got a job as a lifeguard, and moved in with his friend Ben. Spending his free time surfing, and trying not to feel crazy. Now he is 24, with his own apartment, and two jobs. Sighted: Yes Other: Saldly of the few girlfriends he has had they all ended quickly after he told them he could see things. Schizophrenia, hallucinations, cry for attention, active imagination, physic abilities... among other things, were what his exs chopped it up to.