"Yes that is Stevie she had just turned 18 last week" he said taking it smiling fondly at the picture. "This was taken in my room at home on the day of her birthday she was so happy, that bastard was there and well as her boyfriend. I should have seen it coming when I saw them two leering at each other while my sister was busy but I ignored it and now her heart is broken and she has to leave the UK for the first time because of it, if I would have listed to what my head was telling me I would have warned her about what I saw and she would have taken the situation much more well than she did just now over the phone" he said sighing putting it back in his pocket. "You would have liked her she isn't into anything famous she is smarting loving and optimistic about the future" he spoke very fondly about his ster meaning that she really loved his sister deeply and would do anything to protect her.