GALEN KAISER- STRIKE FORCE COMMANDER Galen woke up sweating. Another dream of his dead wife Emala haunted him. He slowly sat up with a deep breath and reached toward a bottle of dextro liquor. Galen pulled the cap off the bottle and took a long swig, he had developed a drinking problem over the last year. Spectre work seemed to bring an all new level of stress to his life. Just last week he stopped terrorists from bombing the human Grissom Academy. Galen set the bottle back down on the desk next to his bed and looked around his blue-lit 'modernist' apartment. It was in the center of Zakera Ward on the Citadel Galen had been offered a Presidium condo but refused. The wards seemed to appeal to him more. He threw the covers off of his body and walked to the large window on the opposite side of his bed room. It looked out over the rest of the ward, hundreds of floating cars zoomed past and thousands of life forms walked the streets below. It was almost like being on Palaven. His Omni-too started to beep, an incoming call from Marxus Vakarian The Turian councilor. Galen looked down to his bare feet standing on the soft purple carpet. At least humans were good at making places homey. With a sigh Galen clicked a few buttons to answer the councilor. "Galen, the council is in session and most of the other Spectres are already here. Where the hell are you?" Vakarian made no effort to hide the annoyance in his voice. "Damn, that was today?" Galen replied with a chuckle. "Yes it was today." The councilor sighed. "I convinced the council to make you the Strike Force commander. You're making me look like an idiot." "You do that well enough yourself sir." "You're not funny Galen. Sometimes I wonder how you are the son of an admiral." "Yeah, me too." "Just get to the tower. I'll stall the council for as long as I can." "On my way." Galen turned off his Omni tool and quickly began to get dressed. He put on a black Reaper era Turian suit with white accents and returned to his bottle of liquor. After a few swigs he decided to take it with him as he began his travel to the Citadel Tower. When Galen finally arrived an hour later and half drunk, he was greeted by a very polite Hanar. As if there was any other kind. After the two exchanged a few words, he followed the jelly into the council chambers. Hundreds of civilians were lined up behind police barricades cheering in hundreds of languages as Galen was escorted to the center of the chambers. Galen caught himself hoping that his missions would be a little more secretive. Galen and the Hanar brushed through several reporters from multiple species before finally reaching their destination, the massive doors to the Council Chambers slammed behind them drowning out the noise from the crowd. No reporters or civilians were allowed in the session itself. A crew of about 150 soldiers stood in ranks at the edge of the massive courtyard. Galen guessed they would be the non-Spectre crew of the Normandy. The crew was largely made up of Humans and Turians but had a fair number of Salarians, Asari, and Batarians. There were even a few Drell but they were so outnumbered that if Galen hadn't been studying the crew he probably would have missed them. The ranks formed a narrow aisle in the middle for Galen and the Hanar to pass through, a long red carpet lay on the path. As they passed, the soldiers saluted Galen. He gave many of them a nod in return. About two meters in front of the non-Spectre crew stood a small line of about 10 or so. These people were more dangerous looking, and with the slightest glance on could see professionalism. Galen guessed he had found his Spectres. There were a few humans, another Turian, and even a Geth. The line parted as the Hanar led Galen to the center of the room. Standing tall above him was the four council members on their elevated platform, they sure liked to look important. "You're late Agent Kaiser." It was the Asari councilor who spoke up. She seemed severely irritated. "You live long enough to wait on me councilor." Galen said in reply. "Councilor Marxus, are you quite sure you couldn't find someone more suited to command this little project of yours?" The Asari turned to Vakarian with an arrogant move of the hand at Galen's comment. "His service record speaks for itself councilor. He's also the most Human Turian I've ever met. I approve of Councilor Marxus." This time Jarred Kyle the Human councilor spoke up. He was rewarded an approving nod by both Vakarian and the Salarian councilor. "Very well councilors." The Asari replied with a hidden tone of defeat. "Well, not to interrupt your arguments councilors, but I think we should get on with this." Galen said. There were a few murmurs from the crew. Whether they agreed with him or not however, he could not tell.