Been a hell of a long time since I've been on RPGuild but meh Because of my new hype with tokyo mew mew that my friend reminded me about, I've been really wanting to create a tokyo mew mew RP I would do this in casual, as it's my preferred section to RP in, I know that tokyo mew mew is probably not one of the best RPs to make in that section The basic idea for this tokyo mew mew RP is going to be kinda similar to the Tokyo Mew Mew sequel but technically in a different universe, so none of the previous TMM stuff happened ??? Basically, the world is all good and well, but then a strange event happens in France (ah yes france.) Two separate explosions occur in two of major cities in France (Paris and Orleans). These explosions happens to have been the cause of aliens, however the people just believe it to be some gas explosion of some sort. Well these Aliens happen to from warring planets and guess what, they're just bringing the fight to earth. These two races are the Cumberbatchians and the Rwaddi. Both are descendants of a ancient species called the Teludarians, however over the course of time conflicts arisen and these species eventual split into various sub-species, though the two named were the main ones. While the true form of the aliens could vary, both are capable of shapeshifting allowing them to blend into our human society. The Cumberbatchians are our big baddies for this RP, and they reached out to a members disbanded government branch as well seemingly troubled individuals . Taking advantage of the resentment and hatred that these individuals possessed towards themselves and the earth, the Cumberbatchians bestowed upon them superhuman powers, hoping to use them to take over the earth and eventually have more advantage over their enemy. The Rwaddi's alien technology,however, got a little funky and ended up bestowing powers upon a random set of humans giving them some kinda cute animal, magical girl/guy form, though it had yet to fully awaken. The Rwaddi's know of the Cumberbatchian's plans so intend to do the same, except they don't intend on taking over the planet but at least having some allies who could help is always nice. While the Cumberbatchian's having a whole group already, The Rwaddi's are stuck having to gather all of their few powered up soon-to-be allies. Though while each ally is finally found, they have to deal with alien battles, their social life, and whatever else goes on. Who knows who will win in the end? Okay well that's the idea of this RP? A lot more about the alien's than the humans, but I'll fix that later So the Rwaddi's group is the Mew Mews and the Cumberbatchian's group is the Chronal Society? ? I'll be needing at the very least to make an OOC 1 Rwaddi, 3 Mews, 1 Cumberbatchian and 3 Chronal Society members At the very least I'd like the 2 aliens to be the two leaders of each group Technically the aliens that are on earth I guess are each a small scouting platoon that just ended up having to do battle of sorts, The Mews and the Chronal Society members are going to have at the max 6 People per group The Alien platoons will have maybe have like 4 each at the very least? ---- This RP is not w/o some standards, I understand this is the free section, but it's only gonna have a few standards uvu 1. At least 4 Sentences per post? And try to keep it kinda on subject with whatever's going on 2. Please don't speed post or like i dunno do that thing where it's like a mini 1x1 in a group RP where it's just two people making up the majority of the pages. If you're gonna be stuck doing that, use to at least combine the whole thing together so one person can just post the big thing so it's not just a whole bunch of pages of two people 3. I don't care about grammar so much, but spelling is a bit of a stretch for me. Like as long as you don't do txt talking I think we're good and that's really about it?? ? ? Just some standards i guess nothing like super duper big? I hope i can get this thing started uvu Once there seems to be some interested, I'll post some more specific info uvu