Freya gazed upon the enormity of the spider. It was crafted from multiple statues that were themselves interesting. Although she would not be able to take it with her, Freya imagined the lifeless, completely immobile body of the spider sitting in the middle of the city. She only imagine it without action, so she decided to see how it would truly look. Freya relaxed her hand, momentarily cutting off connection between her and the armor puppet. As the armor fell and disassembled, Freya re-established her control, and flicked her wrist upward to launch the pieces of armor and the Greatsword into the air. As the pieces reached the peak of their ascent, The armor puppet was fully together again. It reversed its grip on the Greatsword, pointing the blade and it's tip downward toward the Spider. Freya yanked her arm downward, propelling the puppet in the same direction. [url=]Puppet Sky Attack"[/url]