"Just one sec." Rumble said as he clicked a few commands on his gloves. His mech then proceeded to step into the nearest dumpster.. then it's arms fell off. Then it's legs popped off as well. Rumble's entire robot was in pieces, but it was designed to be able to come apart and quickly put itself together again for easy storage. He then removed his helmet, and like a hologram the rest of his super hero outfit faded away to be replaced with more casual wear. He neatly placed his helmet on his seat before jumping out of the dumpster by Violet's side. The lid of the dumpster slammed down and Venator Rex was successfully hidden. Rumble doubted that anyone could seriously hijack his robot with all of the security measures he had installed, but better safe then sorry. "When you're in Rome you do as the Roman's do. That's a human saying is it not?" Rumble was grateful for this human's assistance. He followed her out of the alley as she instructed. "This "pizza" sounds interesting. Kind of like Snaggle beast pie, but we've never thought to put fruits into it. Sounds weird.. Let's try it!" Rumble resolved himself to find a way to repay her generosity after this. It was the hero's way was it not? But suddenly it occurred to him that he didn't even know her name. "So, what should I call you?" He said, not letting the sight of the gigantic man phase him. In fact he casually made his way to the front door of the pizzeria as if it was a completely normal day. He got a few odd glances from the gathering of people there but the sight of the humungous metal blue guy kept most eyes off of Rumble. The Yordle struggled a to open the front door, but he tried his best to hold it open as he waved Violet in. Why did humans make their doors so heavy! On his planet doors opened themselves! When he entered the joint Rumble hopped into the first cubicle he saw and cracked open the menu. Human food was so exotic! He pondered all of the odd things on the menu. Rumble took note of the prices listed. Somehow he was doubtful his currency could be used here. Yeah. He certainly owed her one after this was through. Rumble briefly noticed the commotion happening at the front of the line. It wasn't until now that he realized how freaked out the humans were. "Is he a local?" Rumble asked Violet with a lone finger pointing at the tall one.