[b][i]Athrun Zala[/i][/b] His objective was complete. His wife and daughter was inside the Terminus and perhaps Terra would be preparing her Mobile Suit and head out to battle. The thought of fighting alongside of her had provided him with zeal as he continued to defend against the relentlessly assaulting generics that attempted to advance into the Memorial Building. Athrun prevented them with as much as the Astray could with its arsenal protecting all sides of the building until he found the Igelstellungs Mk III on the Astrays were exhausted of its ammunition. He planted the shield onto a ground of Generics on the ground and drew one of the Astray's beam saber before swiping continuously against the enemy. It proved to become increasingly difficult for Athrun to defend against the Generics on his own. Their numbers slowly grew and each time a group of them was eliminated, more seem to come take its place in all sides. He opened a communication channel to the Archangel, speaking with Terzo over the line; "The Generics are increasing in numbers. I can't keep up with them on my own!" He blasted himself over the other side of the building to eliminate more generics attacking from a different front, until a group of them barraged Athrun in a combined strike with organic explosives that was powerful enough to blast the shield of the Astray off the Mobile Suit's hands. "Tch." The second hand then drew a second beam saber before wiping the group out with both beam sabers striking and slicing them into pieces. In his struggle, a relieving message was broadcasted to Athrun's Satellite Transmitter. "This is Captain Musashi aboard the vessel Izanagi. Commander Zala, we received your emergency message and are prepared for battle." While continuing his defense, Athrun was able to simultaneously issue a defense order for the colony. He wiped out another group of Generics. "What a sight for sore eyes, Captain Musashi." The defense was getting weaker by the minute as he continued to swing the beam sabers against the Generics. All of this intense sword fighting had also caused his Mobile Suit to be running low in energy. "Musashi, I need Astray Pilots prepared and launching on my location. Set up a defensive perimeter all around the Archangel Memorial building. Also, prepare my Mobile Suit inside the Orbital Drop Pod on the following coordinates; X - X - X - X." Using whatever power was left, Athrun continued to push the generics back with the beam sabers. "Acknowledged commander. Preparing Astray Pilots now. Should we also engage an aerial assault against the enemy from our position?" Athrun's Astray was becoming less responsive by the second, and communications with the Izanagi was slowly deteriorating as the energy inside the battery was slowly running out. "That's a negative Captain... They're Actualisers." "Understood." "Commander Zala! This is Captain Terzo of the Terminus aboard the Archangel! Kira requests your assistance!" The urgent message sent Athrun into pressure, before replying Terzo into the intercom. "The Izanagi is sending reinforcements. Until then, tell Kira that I'll be there soon." A group of Astray Pilots could be seen pouring down aboard what looks like a much larger version of the Izumo-class ship around the Colony's orbit. The Astray Pilots was advancing towards Athrun's position and an object followed behind it. It traveled faster than the oncoming Astrays and made a landing in the same location where Athrun had requested the Astray. The compartment doors opened, the Saviour Gundam was docked inside of it as Athrun continued to wait for the Astrays to arrive. Unfortunately, just as Athrun was about to make his way to his Mobile Suit, the power battery of the Astray gave in. The Mobile Suit powered down in front of an attacking generic group and Athrun was forced to take a machine gun from the Astray's storage compartment and slid out of the cockpit behind its legs for cover as he tried to push them back as much as he can on his own. Five Astrays oncoming towards the Memorial building had detected the Commander's struggle as his Mobile Suit had just powered down. "Guys, the Commander's in trouble!" One of them said to the other. "What? You can't be serious! He's a Coordinator!" "Yeah but that won't help him if his Mobile Suit has powered down!" "Damn. Everyone, punch your thrusters! We'll go and save our Commander and make him proud today!" "Aye aye, Sergeant." The five of them pushed their thrusters of the Astrays into the absolute maximum, accelerating them forward towards Athrun's position within seconds before landing on all sides of the Memorial building with their beam rifles and shields ready and broke hell loose to the Generics attacking from all directions. Athrun who was on the ground found the break of gunfire and heard the barrage of Beam Rifles eliminating the attacking Generics without any mercy. "Yeah take that you alien-looking scum!" Their numbers now was meaningless against the power of Five Astrays. The nearest Astray next to Athrun spoke in its loudspeaker. "Good to see you in one piece Commander." There was a smirk on Athrun's face for having heard that comment coming from the pilot of the Astray. He gave him a thumbs up before the Astray looked at the drop pod directly across from their position. "Follow me to your Mobile Suit Commander. I'll cover you." Athrun nodded, and began his advance towards his Mobile Suit while one of the Astrays escorted him towards the huge Orbital Drop pod. As expected, they bega nto encounter resistance from a massing group of Generics. Athrun stopped in his tracks before the Astray obliterated the mass of the Generics with a single beam rifle fire. "That was a close one." The pilot commented. They continued their advance until Athrun reached into the cockpit of the Saviour Gundam with the assistance of the Astray. Athrun powered up the Infinity Gundam's system, activating its Phase Shift armour. The Astray had returned to its original position effectively defending the Memorial building with the rest of its group. Athrun who hadn't been in the seat of the Infinity after the Clarent incident was wary of an inevitable defeat of the colony. Like in China 10 years ago, if he failed to eliminate the Actualiser threat quickly the damage it will cause may take decades to rebuild. Springing into life and taking the skies with the Fatum's wings spread open and propelled him forward. The sensors of the Infinity Justice had tagged four Mobile Suits ahead, but with one considerable further than the other three. He'd be guessing that Kira was taking care of two Actualiser Mobile Suits on his own using the Weapon. Athrun took aim with the Fatum's Hyper Fortis Cannon and aimed it towards one of the Actualiser Mobile Suit. Upon reaching a preemptive lock-on, he pulled the trigger and sent two blasts of green beam cannons oncoming towards one of the Actualiser Mobile Suit. (Athrun is free to be controlled by Myviewing as he deems fit) --- [b][i]Terra Asterius Zala[/i][/b] She hurriedly made a run for the Hangar of the Terminus with her mother alongside of her. The hallways were devoid of life, as everyone was perhaps still inside the Memorial building trying to ward off the Generic's attack. She hoped that her father was going to be okay defending the building on his own. Their heavy breathing as they arrived in the hangar could be heard from miles away as the engineering crew looked all in the direction of the rushing Terra and Cagalli with strange looks on their faces. "Hey! Terra! Aren't you supposed to be at the Memorial Ceremony? What are you doing here?!" It seemed like news hadn't reached the entire Terminus crew. Cagalli stood beside Terra until she announced to the Engineering crew about the Actualiser attack. "The colony is under attack by the Actualisers. Commander Kira and Athrun are now engaging the enemy as we speak. I do not know what is their current statuses!" The entire Engineering crew came to restlessness as they spoke among themselves speaking about the issue. Terra looked at her mother until one of the Engineers approached Cagalli and Terra. "I assume that you want to go on board of your new Mobile Suit... But there is a problem." He said to Terra. "It seems that the Zeta's OS was locked by its previous owner, and we have no way of unlocking it. If we can't unlock the OS, then trying to launch in it would be useless." Terra found herself in a helpless position. As much as she wanted to make both of her parents proud, it seems like a meager issue such as this was holding her abilities back. She wanted to show how good of a Pilot she was but she wouldn't be able to demonstrate it without her new Mobile Suit. She could've easily boarded one of her GMs, but that would only do her so much against an Actualiser attack... Heck, she doesn't even know to what extent they're capable of. She gazed at the Zeta on dock, yet feeling another weird vibe as she met her eyes with it. Cagalli beside her seemed to be able to understand what was happening between Terra and the Zeta. "Prepare the Zeta for launch." Cagalli told them. "Are you kidding? You can't operate a Mobile Suit that has a lock on it!" Terra listened to her mother's orders and looked at the Engineer who was objecting to her idea. She felt as if Cagalli knew that the Mobile Suit would follow Terra's commands-- Judging from the way Cagalli had glared at the Engineer as she spoke to them. Terra who thought alike to her mother, decided to press her request further. "Engineer Juno, please prepare the Zeta for launch. I think I can work with the Zeta." However, he insisted. "No can do Terra. If the OS is locked, you won't even be able to launch in it. You'll hit the ground like a brick once you're thrown off the Catapult." "I said, prepare the Zeta for launching, Private Andrew Juno." Terra insisted herself, pushing her words harsher to penetrate into the Engineer's skull. He was left intimidated by Terra's angry demeanour. "You're trying to tell me that I can't help the Commander and am to just sit here and watch?" "I'm telling you that you can't launch. If you insist though I'll let you experience falling like a helpless brick." He signalled the others to prepare the Zeta for launching, as the crane came up and slowly moved the Mobile Suit into the docking bay where Terra jumped on into the cockpit of the Zeta. "I don't know if what I'm feeling is right, but be safe once you're out there Terra. And show me what five years of service has done." Terra gazed at her mother... Somehow seeing the painful events that she had gone through when her separation with Athrun had occurred. How she had a hard time coping with the broken Terra. She could only smile of course, before giving her a wink and a thumbs up before closing the hatch. Cagalli remained at the Terminus as the Zeta was placed into the Linear Catapult. Terra powered up the Zeta at which requested a password code upon its booting process. Becoming nervous at this point, she tried to type something into the input, only to find it strangely fizzing up on the screen and all of a sudden it gave Terra access to the Zeta. It sprung into life as its main camera shined on its head and its thrusters were warming up. "What the? How did she manage to by pass the lock?!" The Engineer was surprised at her feat. "That's because... She's one with the Zeta." Cagalli added to the Engineer's priceless expression. The Zeta entered the Linear Catapult, being equipped with its Signature BOWA Rifle before Terra leaned back to the panoramic interface of the Mobile Suit and feeling herself becoming one of the same with the Zeta looking out to the opening. Upon final preparations, the launching board conducted its final checks until all is green and the LAUNCH sign was lit. The sliders on the Zeta's feet pushed itself forward with the thrusters blasting into the sky. "Terra Asterius Zala, blasting off!" The sliders reached the end of its track, and the thrusters took over its momentum. The power cable that connected to its power core disconnected as she took off in the Zeta. Her senses had driven her forward that the Zeta switched into its Mobile Armour mode and took off in incredible speeds towards Kira's location. The Archangel immediately contacted the Zeta, with Terzo on the line speaking to Terra. "Terra! Commander Kira is fighting with Athrun against the two Actualiser! Maybe with an extra Mobile Suit, we can stack the odds against them!" "Roger that, Captain Terzo. Patch me to Commander Yamato's Mobile Suit." "Acknowledged." Terzo's screen immediately turned off, before Kira's face appeared on the screen. "Commander! I've launched in the Zeta. Approaching your location to assist!" Her speed made it seem easy to arrive at the battle. While she wasn't mentally ready, she believed that her Coordinator skills were to assist her in fighting against a formidable enemy that is the Actualiser. It seems that Kira's mobile suit was the Oddly-looking Mobile Suit fighting alongside of... "Terra!" Athrun appeared in the screen of the Zeta. "These are Actualiser pilots. They won't hesitate to kill you if you give them the chance. Don't let your guard down!" The purple Mobile Suit that fought along side the oddly-looking one was Kira. Now that it was three against two, they would have more of a chance winning this fight than before. "Understood father." The targeting system appeared in the screen, and she attempted to find a lock on one of the Actualiser mobile suits. Upon a successful lock on, she would begin sending a barrage of Beam-Rifle before approaching head on with the BOWA's beam saber to engage in close-range combat.